Chapter 24.

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Ben slammed his front door shut. The house was grey and dreary, the usual light he'd gotten used to had been extinguished, whether it was within him or the house, Ben wasn't sure.

How could she?

How could they?

Sure, Ben had messed up with his mother, running away and yelling at his father like that had not been the answer. Maybe for a day or two of the silent treatment, but not for nearly twelve years.

Ben punched the wall, and yowled as he felt the warm blood coat his fist. He kicked over the table in the hallway and it hit the wood floor with an ear-splitting crash.

Tears stung in his eyes, he shouldn't miss her. He shouldn't even want her, since she'd used him for money. He was a job, she'd never felt anything for him. How could he have been so stupid and blinded by his affections for her? Ben was clear headed and logical, how could she have done this to him. This had to have been what she'd wanted all along, to work her way into his brain, say those things that she knew he'd want to hear. All that shit about being lonely was utter bullshit. Leia had probably prepped her, god damn his mother.

She'd fucked with him and his mind for years, even after he'd left—yet now, she'd still found a way to torment him in the worst way possible.

Ben screamed and threw a vase on the floor, it shattered like his heart and exploded all over the floor.

He hated Leia.

He hated Rey for being a manipulative bitch. The fact that she could fake her feelings and lead him on like this and violently stab him in the back was soul crushing.

He flipped over a chair and threw a glass from the counter into the wall.

Ben destroyed the room, throwing glasses, kicking chairs and kicking holes in the walls. He'd ripped the screen door off its hinges like a wild animal.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, his whole body ached, not just from his tantrum, but his heart. His insides and everything he couldn't destroy was sucking the life out of him and Ben felt like he falling into an endless void of darkness and hurt. He heard Rey's voice echoing in his mind.

Ben tore some of his hair out and screamed, "get out of my head! I hate you, you used me! Get out!"

Ben staggered against the wall and began to cry. The agony overtaking him and winning the battle, his uncontrollable anger and rage had lost to something so much stronger inside him and Ben felt sick to his stomach.

He slid down the wall and say crunched in a ball on the floor, burying his head in his hands and knees as he began to sob and his cries echoed throughout his depressingly empty house.

"Still got your temper I see, huh Ben." A voice said, smug and calm. A voice Ben hadn't heard since he was sixteen.

He peeked from his hands and saw his uncle standing in the kitchen, staring at him.

Luke has changed a lot since Ben had last seen him. His beard was greyer and bushier than Ben remembered. His hair was longer and more unkempt. His blue eyes had aged and his face was a little more wrinkled, he'd gained a few pounds but he actually looked good.

"Stand up Ben." He ordered sternly.

Ben shot him a glare but listened, he still leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. Only removing them to wipe the tears staining his face. "What are you doing here? You here to gloat cause I'm not in the mood." Ben scowled hoarsely.

"You've still got a thick head Ben. Leia told me everything."

"I don't want to hear anything that witch has to say. She's pushed it too far."

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