Chapter 19.

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"Ben, I have to go. I'm running late already." Rey tried to push him away from her as they stood in the kitchen. Ben had his arms wrapped around her, keeping her in his embrace and feeling his body against hers. He kissed her cheek and neck, in attempt to keep her with him all day. Their morning shower had satisfied him for the short time being but he didn't want to let her go yet, the idea of staying in bed all day seemed like the perfect day.

"Reschedule." He whined, "stay with me sweetheart. For the day." For every day.

"Tempting, it really is, but I have to get going. I'm meeting my friends for coffee and lunch. I'll be back at five, then I'm all yours." Rey pecked his lips and finally freed herself from his hold.

"That better be a guarantee." Ben leaned across the table, watching her take a bite of her apple.

Rey smirked and leapt up, "I swear. If I'm over ten minutes late, I guess I'll have to suffer the consequences."

She watched his eyes darken with lust and she almost wanted to text Leia and reschedule. But Rey brushed aside the thought as quickly as it had come, she needed answers for hers and Ben's sake. "You better believe it baby."

Rey shivered and nearly kissed him again when that smug look appeared on his face. "You're in for a long afternoon buddy. What's on the agenda for you today? Until five anyways." She bit her lip teasingly.

Ben brushed his hair from his face and responded, "press conference with Snoke at 11:00, then—knowing him—some training, considering that I didn't listen to a word he said last night, he won't be so forgiving." Ben sighed.

"Which reminds me," he added, "I know it's not exactly the best time to bring this up, but I know the press is going to be asking questions. Because what happened in the ring last night was a brand new spectacle for me and they'll be asking why. So, what I'm trying to get at is," Ben scratched the back of his neck nervously which—to Rey—was super cute. "Should I tell them about you? About us? And what are we?" Rey had never seen him look so nervous before and she actually liked it, he looked so adorable with his walls completely down and his raw emotion opening up right before her.

Rey touched his hand and gave him a reassuring and warm smile, relaxing Ben immediately. "You're cute Ben Solo." She giggled, "but I think you should give Snoke the credit. If you want to say that you've been working with a new trainer, keep me anonymous. For right now, I want to stay under the radar until anything drastic happens. I know Snoke will say the same thing but not as forgiving as I am." She chuckled, and noticed that Ben winced a little at the mentioning of Snoke's name.

"But as for us." She paused and squeezed his hand in hers, "I like you. I really, really like you, and for me, I don't want to just be your friend. I've never been someone's girl-girlfriend but if that's what you want, and that's how you feel about me, then I'd be honored."

Ben let out a huge sigh of relief, "thank god." He sprinted around the table and picked her up and spun her around. Rey laughed and hugged him as he planted a quick kiss on her lips, "I've been wanting to ask you about being my girlfriend for the last week. Thank god." His brown eyes twinkled and glowed with affection and compassion for her and Rey felt her heart swell. An entirely new feeling which she already liked.

"We're both too hard headed. I should've said this earlier." Rey grinned ear to ear, cupping Ben's smiling face in her hands.

"Tell me about it." Ben planted another kiss on her lips.

"I have to go. I'll text you when I'm on my way home. Don't let Snoke get in your head today. We both know he's going to try." Rey stepped away, but not letting go of his hand.

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