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10 Years Later...

"Come on Tate, get aggressive." Ben encouraged his pupil.

Tate bit his lip and punched the bag with more force than before. Despite the fact that Tate hardly said a word, he was a very talented fighter. He just needed to learn to tap into his inner aggression, that Ben knew was inside him.

Tate threw four jabs and finished off the routine with a right roundhouse. "Great job buddy! That was excellent." Ben gave him a pat on the back and Tate glanced up at him and smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Solo." Tate's tired and sweaty face was relieved for the rest.

"You can call me Ben, I tell you this all the time." Ben chuckled and ruffled the twelve year old boy's sweaty blonde hair.

Tate laughed and they both walked side by side back towards his dad in the corner. "He looks great, thanks again Ben." Trevor Fray thanked.

Trevor was a muscular guy with a sleeve of tattoos up his left arm. It always shocked Ben to see such a shy and quiet boy like Tate have a father as outspoken and bold as Trevor. They were both the kindest people though, they were one Ben's favorite clients.

"No problem, he gets better every day. Are we still on for tomorrow at one?" Ben asked his second favorite sparring partner.

Trevor grinned, "of course we are, man. Thanks again."

"Yeah, thank you Ben. See you next week." Tate squeaked and followed his dad out of the gym.

With his last visitors of the day, Ben cleaned up the gym, wiped down the bags and sorted a few loose papers before locking up and heading towards his black SUV.

Before starting the car he checked his phone, stopping for a second to admire the screensaver. It was of him and Rey on the beach. The picture had been taken a few months ago on their ninth wedding anniversary. Rey had her arms wrapped around his neck and her eyes glowed as they locked permanently on his.

Ben—in the picture—had his arms around her waist, holding her close to him and he smiled lovingly at his wife. The orange and pink colored sky behind them only attributed to the perfection of the picture, it had quickly become one of his many favorite pictures of the two of them.

Ben decided to text her and let her know he was coming home. Before turning off his phone, he chuckled when he stared at the most recent home screen picture of his two crazy children. His seven year old twins Lizzy and Evander were wearing matching blue t-shirts and in the picture, it was taken just before they had toppled over. Lizzy had thought it would be a brilliant idea to try and stand on Evander's back. Rey had taken the picture just as they were falling over and, even frozen in the photo, Ben could hear their shrieks and screams of laughter.

Feeling the sudden urge to make it home as soon as possible, Ben sped home and swiftly parked his car in the garage.

He opened the door and was ambushed by his energetic seven year old daughter. "Daddy! Daddy! Evan is trying to attack me." She crashed into his legs and he scooped her up and tickled her stomach, making her squeal and squirm.

"Is he now?"

"She started it, daddy. She hit me with a foam sword and started running around." His son appeared quickly after his arrival, his head of brown and black hair a mess and his cheeks were rosy red from running around.

"We are having fun though." Lizzy giggled, and her brown eyes that she'd gotten from Ben gleamed.

"Elizabeth, will you calm down for one second?" Ben's heart fluttered at her voice, Rey sounded tired, and he didn't blame her. Their twins had a lot of energy, Leia and/or Luke was over here almost everyday.

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