Chapter 21.

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A/N: Smut/mature content warning (***)

Rey tightened her grip on Ben's hand as the eyes of everyone in the room fell upon her and stayed painfully locked in place.

She had never, ever been the center of attention, all her life she avoided the gaze and attention from others, her thievery lifestyle perfectly suited her liking for slipping into the shadows and staying out of sight. Never in her life had she wanted to be stared at, not like this. Her skin prickled and crawled under the endless pairs of eyes still lingering on her as Ben somehow maintained their pace forwards and kept her from falling flat on her feet.

"Who's that?"

"When did Kylo Ren get a girlfriend?"

"Are you kidding? That's his new girl of the month."

Murmurs and whispers filled the room and Rey felt all the confidence she had in herself, her appearance and the feeling of fabulousness she'd carried with her all night evaporate instantaneously. "Pay them no attention sweetheart." Ben uttered into her ear and put his arm around her, pulling her closer to him, signaling to everyone in the room that she was his.

They made it to the bar and the chatter resumed, but Ben could see everyone sneaking glances at his Rey and while he loved that she drew the attention of others in knowing that this extraordinary woman standing beside him was his alone. But he hated how uncomfortable she was. Suddenly his strong-willed and stubborn Rey looked small and timid and while he took pride in being her protector, he'd choose his brave girl every day. He could see the looks the men were giving her and he wanted to throttle every one of them for looking at her like she was a meal free for the taking.

He'd never seen her this on edge and paranoid. Since the moment he'd first met her in the alley almost two months ago and every moment after, she was this bold and unstoppable individual completely comfortable in herself and didn't give a damn as to what anyone thought of her. But now, with everyone staring at her, Ben could understand why she felt so out of place. Imagining himself in her position, he'd be shaking in his boots.

"You doing better?" He asked gently as she took a long sip of her martini.

"Why won't they stop looking at me? I don't like it."

"Because you're stunning, and they all wish they were by your side." He leaned on the bar and Rey blushed deeply.

"Stop it Ben." She averted her gaze from his to the martini glass on the table.

"It's true, and I'd love for them to stop looking at you because you're mine to look at." Ben lightly drew circles with his finger on her exposed shoulder and he noticed that Rey shivered under his touch.

"Not here." She whispered, catching her lip in her teeth again. "Ben, I need an honest answer. I know about your previous reputation with girls before me, the whispers I heard moments ago solidified them. But, I'm not just the girl of the month am I?"

"Sweetheart, how many times do I need to remind you that you're different from everyone else. You've changed me and I honestly don't know how I got along without you. You mean more to me than anything or anyone ever has, I won't lose you, and I won't let anyone or anything come between us and make me forget that." He never disconnected his eyes from hers and the smile she gave him was the best reward he'd ever seen.

Her hazel eyes sparkled under the blue lighting of the night club, her shoulders relaxed and her lips curved upward into a loving smile. "Thank you. I'm sorry I'm acting like this. I know how you feel about me, and I know how I feel about you. You've changed me too Ben, until I met you, I was—"

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