Chapter Ten

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Morning came quickly as y/n woke up happy. She had already done her morning routine before leaving with Ninetales. She headed into a salon that newly opened up since they also specialised in treating Pokémon.

"Everything's ready for you and your team," the receptionist told her.
"Lugia and Zacian may be temperamental with strangers. I have reassured them but if there's an issue, let me know," y/n told her as she handed over her team.
"We'll take care of them. Enjoy the spa," the receptionist smiled brightly.

Y/n went into the spa bit whilst her connection to Lugia remained. She could sense the legendary enjoying herself which only made her smile and relax more. For the next two hours, she was at the spa before gathering her team and leaving. Ninetales was walking with a leap in her step.

"I'm glad you all enjoyed it," y/n chuckled.
"Nine Nine Nine!" Ninetales exclaimed as she started to jump around her.
"Come on girl. We're seeing Raihan," y/n told her as she started to rush ahead.

Ninetales kept up as she was excited too. She was getting closer until an issue came up.

"Champion we need your help!" A woman called out to her.
"What's happened?" Y/n asked as her and Ninetales stopped.
"Some school children are trapped!" The woman rushed out.
"Where?" Y/n asked.

Before the woman could reply, fire engines started to move towards the school. Y/n took off running that way as Ninetales stayed close. Water type Pokémon were trying to control the flames with ground types as the fire types tried to gain entry with their trainers. Y/n noticed they wouldn't open the door in time as a falling part of debris, came tumbling down.

"Zacian use sacred sword!" Y/n called out the legendary.

Zacian moves quickly to slice the falling debris in half. Ninetales used psychic to stop any small parts hitting bystanders.

"The fire is too strong Champion. Get yourself a safe distance," one of the fireman told her.

Y/n just waved them off as she called out Lugia and Glaceon.

"Blizzard Glaceon!" Y/n commanded, "Hydro pump Lugia!"

Glaceon jumped onto Lugia's back as the legendary flew above the building.

"Ninetales, head in and get the children," y/n told her.

Ninetales nodded her head before jumping into the burning building but through the gap the debris left. Glaceon jumped and started to release blizzard whilst Lugia released hydro pump. The flames started to extinguish quicker as Ninetales got out with the children.

"Is that everyone?" Y/n asked one of the teachers.
"That's everyone," they answered.

Glaceon touched the ground before getting behind y/n with Ninetales.

"You may want to stand back," y/n warned everyone close to the building.

When they were a safe distance away, y/n looked at Lugia. Water suddenly shot from the ground in a vortex as Lugia's silhouette was seen in the middle.

"Zamazenta help shield the children!" Hop called out.
"Glad you could make it!" Y/n called to him as Zacian kept her in place.
"I didn't remember Lugia being this strong!" Leon commented as Charizard kept him and Hop in place.
"How do you know? We haven't really seen her," Raihan yelled over it.

Zacian pushed Raihan by y/n.

"She hasn't battled much! This is her excess energy!" Y/n yelled as she couldn't hear herself.
"Don't forget she's a legendary!" Hop yelled back.
"Dial it down!" Leon laughed slightly.
"Nah. It gives me and Sweetheart time together," Raihan commented laughing.
"This is serious!" Y/n commented.

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