Chapter Thirty Two

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Y/n woke up the next morning, by Raihan. She knew it was earlier then normal so she decided to get ready and make breakfast. Glaceon and Umbreon appeared to help again whilst Ninetales stretched. Y/n could see Ninetales was radiating with energy, especially from hiding in her pokeball for so long.

"Should we see if we can find Kira? Maybe she can train against you?" Y/n suggested.
"Nine!" Ninetales sat down, happily.
"So a happy no?" She rolled her eyes, amused.

Ninetales snickered whilst Glaceon curled in the now open fridge. Umbreon carried on helping whilst y/n ignored Glaceon.

"Something smells delicious," Raihan spoke up from the doorway.
"That would be breakfast," y/n smiled softly.
"Later on, I want to take you out for dinner. I kinda figured that you would look for Kira today," Raihan smiled.
"You don't have to Rai. I know you're busy with the gym today," y/n told him, tilting her head slightly.
"I better head off then," Raihan replied, skipping breakfast.

He walked out the door whilst y/n wrapped the spare breakfast up, encase Raihan came back for lunch or even food. Y/n returned everyone but Ninetales before they left. Both of them avoided the awaiting reporters and fans as they headed to the train station. Wyndon was where Kira was awaiting for them so that's where they headed. When they arrived, Kira grinned, rushing over.

"Hey!" Kira beamed happily.
"How have you been?" Y/n asked, politely.
"Better knowing you're safely home. I understood why you left and I hope everything is good now," Kira smiled.
"From what I can see, it is," y/n smiled back.
"Well let's battle!" Kira hurried out.

Y/n chuckled as she followed with Ninetales. They arrived at the nearest Pokémon centre, battlefield.

"I will win this time!" Kira grinned, "Dragonite! Let's win!"
"Ninetales it's time," y/n grinned.

The two Pokémon started to collide attacks as the battle began. Both trainers called out attacks as the two powerful Pokémon collided. Both, y/n and Kira were enjoying the battle as were their Pokémon. Ninetales may of not been using her full power but it didn't matter at that moment.

"Draco meteor!" Kira called out.
"Flamethrower!" Y/n called out.

Meteors fell as Ninetales released flamethrower. The fire type move struck Dragonite whilst Draco meteor hit Ninetales. The fire type stood tall and proud whilst Dragonite fainted.

"Great battle Kira! You got Ninetales excited!" Y/n stated happily.
"You too! You and Ninetales are one of a kind!" Kira grinned.
"Well, let's get some lunch before I go meet up with Raihan," y/n offered.
"Sure!" Kira replied, happily.

Both of them walked to the nearest cafe after restoring their Pokémon's health. It ended up being a catch up to where y/n learnt that Kira had Hammerlocke gym left to beat. Y/n knew that Raihan would be Kira's biggest challenge in the gym challenge. Soon they had to go their own ways as Kira had to catch a train. Y/n waved her off before getting a Corviknight to Hammerlocke. She headed to the gym to meet up with Raihan. He saw her and quickly finished his current battle.

"Time already?" He questioned.
"Yep," she replied, popping the p.
"Let's go then," he smiled, ruffling her hair.
"What's with people and the hair?!" She playfully complained.
"Because it's amusing to tease you with it," Raihan chuckled.

He walked, hand in hand with y/n. Both of them just enjoying each other's company and being reunited. Dinner went by smoothly until it was time for them to get back home. Y/n still found it weird to call Hammerlocke home after so long away. Though it made her feel happy as Raihan was with her again. They didn't get far, passed the door before Raihan and y/n engaged in some sexual activity. Ninetales was returned like their Pokémon so they didn't see or disturb anything. This was how y/n and Raihan spent the rest of their night.

Sorry it isn't long. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks again for waiting for it. Hopefully the next chapter will be longer <3

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