Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE MISSY!" Hop's angry yet playful voice sounded.

Y/n was laughing silent with Ninetales whilst Hop tried to get in her's and Raihan's home. The sound of the backdoor breaking, caused y/n and Ninetales to go through the window. They were laughing more as Hop followed, shouting playful yet angry words at them. His hair being bright pink and neon green mixed. He also had a pen face dawn on.

"YOU RUINED MY BEAUTIFUL FACE! I HAVE A DATE TONIGHT!" Hop exclaimed, trying not to laugh.
"WHEN I GET YOU, YOU BETTER RUN!" Hop exclaimed louder.
"I AM RUNNING!" Y/n yelled back.

Ninetales stumbled from the laughter but both y/n and Ninetales reached Hammerlock gym.

"RAI!" Y/n called out.
"RAIHAN CAN'T SAVE YOU NOW!" Hop stated as he tackled y/n to the ground.
"EEK!" She let out in slight fear yet laughter.
"Hop," Raihan warned in a low voice.

Hop immediately got up as he sweatdropped nervously. Y/n was laughing more as Raihan helped her up. Ninetales pawed her face like a facepalm.

"You okay Princess?" Raihan asked as he brought her close, supporting her weight.

Y/n continued to laugh.

"Nine nine," Ninetales hinted to Hop's hair.
"Passed out drunk again?" Raihan questioned the fire type.

Ninetales nodded her head as she snickered.

"THEY MADE MY HAIR LOOK LIKE COLOURED COTTON!" Hop complained but soon started to laugh more and more.
"This is a weird morning," Raihan sighed.
"Wait until you see Lee," Hop grinned innocently.
"HOP!" Leon's voice echoed around.
"Give it half a day before he finds us," Hop laughed more.
"Well," Raihan started, "For my Sweethearts safety, she's coming with me."
"I won't do much," Hop snickered.
"Dragonite," Raihan called out.
"EEK!" Hop exclaimed before running off.
"Never mind," Raihan laughed.

He guided y/n inside as Ninetales followed. Y/n started to calm down.

"After you're calm, what are you doing since I'm at the gym all day?" Raihan asked, curiously.
"Probably finish the wedding plans. It's literally the priest left. Involves a quick visit to Hoenn," y/n answered, "Next month is when it is so the priest will be flown out. Also, the battle with Leon is coming up."
"Can't wait to finally seal our love. Plus, Leon can't beat my true champion," Raihan kissed her forehead.
"You should get back to battling. I'll try and be back tonight," y/n pecked his lips.
"Don't rush," he told her smiling, "Don't want you overworking."
"Same with you Love. Don't forget to break," she replied.

Y/n left with Ninetales before calling Pigeot.

"Ninetales return. I'll call you out when we're in Hoenn," y/n told the now returning fire type.

She got on Pigeot's back as the flying type soared. It almost took until evening to get to Hoenn.

"I think we'll ask Lugia to fly us back," y/n commented to Pigeot once she was in the ground.

She petted the flying type before returning him. Ninetales appeared with a yawn.

"Enjoyed your rest?" She joked.

Ninetales rolled her eyes as she poked her tongue out. Y/n petted the fire type as she started to walk to Mauville City.

"Remember to look out for a priest talking to Wallace," y/n told Ninetales.

A few people were pointing y/n and Ninetales out especially as Ninetales colour was rare.

"Can we get a picture with you and your Ninetales?" A little boy asked.
"Sure," y/n smiled.

The two boys and little girl grinned as their parents took pictures. This did get the attention of Wallace, Steven Stone and the priest they were looking for.

"Champion y/n," Steven started, "What brings you here?"
"I'm here to talk to the priest," y/n smiled.
"Does this have something to do with yours and Raihan's wedding?" The priest asked.
"Yes. I was wondering if you could be wed me and Raihan?" She asked.
"Of course! It would be my pleasure!" The priest answered, smiling.
"Thank you! I'll pay for your flight, a week before the wedding when you fly out. Everything will be paid for," y/n added.
"Nine nine," Ninetales spoke up.
"I still can't believe their are two shiny's this close," Wallace started, "The beauty!"
"There is more then two," y/n laughed.
"Would that be your Umbreon?" Steven questioned.
"Not just Umbreon," y/n told them, "Anyway I better get back. I told Rai I'll be back by dinner."
"How will you get back in time?" Wallace questioned, "You may be powerful but you can't go that fast."
"My friend can get me and Ninetales back in no time," y/n smiled, "See you around."

She waved them off before exiting the city with Ninetales. She was aware of the eyes watching her but ignored it.

"Lugia, can you get us back before dinner?" Y/n asked the legendary that appeared.

Lugia lowered herself to let y/n and Ninetales on before soaring at faster speeds. When they got back, y/n could see Hop still running from Leon and using Raihan as a shield.

"Should we ask Umbreon for help?" Y/n whispered to Ninetales.

Ninetales nodded her head. When Umbreon appeared, Hop started to run away from Raihan and Leon. Umbreon was watching amused as Leon chased his brother away.

"I'm calling it an early night. Blame Hop," Raihan chuckled as he went inside to sleep.
"Stargazing?" Y/n suggested to her companions.

Y/n knew it was a yes. That's what they decided to do until it was time to sleep. Both Pokémon laid on the bed whilst y/n curled into Raihan.

"Goodnight love," she whispered.

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