Chapter Twelve

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"There's something I want to ask you..." Raihan started slightly shy.
"Yea?" Y/n questioned as her eyes met his.
"I want us to be exclusive," he told her, "Like we don't go on dates with others..."
"Are you asking me out?" Y/n questioned, smiling.
"I'm doing a terrible job at it," he chuckled.
"No you aren't," she blushed.
"Nine," Ninetales spoke up as she gestured to their surroundings.

There were people spying in the bushes with cameras. Y/n rolled her eyes as Raihan chuckled. Raihan offered his hand to her after standing.

"Let's go somewhere more private," he suggested still blushing.
"Alright," y/n smiled as she took his hand.

Ninetales had folded everything up before being returned with Umbreon and Duraludon. Raihan started to guide her away. Y/n was watching where he was taking her but her eyes continued to light up at the beauty the night offered. The water around was her favourite part. It was shimmering blue and silver as the stars reflected in it. It was starting to remind her of Johto which even Lugia started to agree through the soothing pulses. Y/n closed her eyes as she trusted Raihan to guide her. She was enjoying everything around her but mainly Raihan's company that brought such a soothing effect that it was like her heart was at peace completely. Raihan only gained a wider smile as his pointed tooth showed. When he was sure he was in a quiet area, he stopped. Y/n opened her eyes to see a closer view of the lake nearby.

"Come on," y/n dragged Raihan to the water.

He followed her with an amused expression. The closer they got, the clearer it became from the moonlight. It was a reminder to how clear y/n's feelings were to Raihan. She smiled brightly as her gaze met his.

"I love you deeply Raihan," she spoke confidently yet it seemed to hold a fire inside the words.

He brought her closer before connecting their lips again. This one was filled with passion and softness but slightly rough.

"Does this make you my girlfriend?" He questioned in a slight teasing tone.
"Only if this makes you my boyfriend," y/n leaned against his chest.

She could hear his heart rate increase slightly but it sounded like it was skipping beats.

"It does," Raihan kissed her forehead.

Y/n found herself grinning before snuggling closer to Raihan. They had stayed in one another's hold for who knows how long. They both took a selfie together and at the lake to post. The post had a sweet caption.

"Finally My Love <3" Raihan's one said.
"I love him with all my heart <3" y/n's one said.

Likes and comments flooded in on their socials but both of them had retired for the night. Ninetales was curled on the end of the bed as y/n and Raihan cuddled under the blankets. They were watching movies before y/n had fallen asleep. Raihan watched how peaceful she looked as sleep embraced her. He had brought her closer and rested his head in y/n's hair. Sleep had then welcomed him.

Morning came by quickly. Raihan had stuck with y/n and Ninetales throughout the interviews. Majority of them involving the newly formed relationship. Y/n would blush bright red as Raihan sent her a teasing smirk. Ninetales was napping by y/n which only received awes when pointed out. Some of the comments from their posts were read out. One in particular had caused y/n to laugh and Raihan to sweatdrop.

"Congrat mate! Raihan better look after you or I'll show him the strength of your rival!" Hop commented.
"Finally! My rival is settling!" Leon teased.
"How did it happen? It better not be more then I think," Piers suggested with a smirking emoji.
"Next is to set Hop up," Nessa teased.
"Look after her Raihan. Otherwise it will be Yamper coming for you," Sonia added laughing emojis.

Raihan brought y/n closer.

"Don't worry. I don't have any intention on hurting my Princess here," Raihan commented, smiling.
"I wouldn't think you would anyway," y/n smiled back.

The interview continued for a bit longer until they could leave. Ninetales walked on the other side of y/n but made sure she wasn't blocking Raihan. Ninetales did this because of the blush y/n would get, this being amusing to the fire type. Y/n was leaning against Raihan as he kept her close, walking. Small talk was exchanged since they were mainly enjoying the peaceful embrace it made them feel.

"I have a modelling thing to do but I want you to come. You don't have to if you don't want to," y/n spoke up.
"Of course I'll come but we are definitely skipping the rest of today," Raihan told her, "I'm sure the fans wouldn't mind if I spend time with my girl."
Y/n blushed, "Alright. We could go eat at the new restaurant that opened?"
"Are you asking me in a date?" He teased.
"Maybe I am Dear," she teased back.
"Nine nine!" Ninetales exclaimed as she jumped on Raihan.
"Looks like Ninetales wants to join," y/n giggled.
"Duraludon and Dratini are going to join too then," Raihan added as he intertwined their fingers.
"We might as well add our teams," she replied as Ninetales nudged her in agreement.
"You trust people here around Lugia?" He questioned.
"Lugia has the right to wander when she wants and I'm sure she would like to try some food here. I do want to take her to a lake before the end of this business trip," y/n commented as her mind jumped to some things she wanted to show Lugia.

Lugia had appeared like she was responding. She started to nudge both y/n and Raihan before taking off excitedly when y/n mentioned the lake.

"She'll be back soon. When she is, she'll let me know," y/n smiled.

She had entered the building where she was modelling at. Immediately her, Ninetales and Umbreon were taken into the dressing rooms as Raihan was lead to where y/n's agent waited. Y/n had soon appeared in the latest Kalos trainers gear. Diantha was even there as well. Ninetales and Umbreon had cute little ribbons on them to represent their type. Diantha's Pokemon partner had her representative type ribbons.

"Right so we want to make it look like you two are battling but of course one will have two against the other. These machines are where you're aiming attacks," it was explained, "Call out the most prettiest move your Pokémon knows."

After hearing the signal to start, y/n nodded to both Ninetales and Umbreon. Ninetales stretched out her nine tails whilst Umbreon leaped into the air. Umbreon used dark pulse as Ninetales used flamethrower. Diantha's Pokemon used dazzling gleam in a fancy pose. Many pictures were taken but y/n noted how the attacks changed colour. Ninetales flamethrower was blue. Umbreon's dark pulse was blue and white mixing. Diantha's Pokemon had white and pink mixing.

"Don't worry about the attack colour! We have a machine changing the colours by a slight mist and lighting!"

Y/n had Ninetales and Umbreon come back to her side when it was done.

"We've got the perfect shot! Thank you ladies and Pokemon!"

Y/n saw Raihan wink at her which made her blush bright red. She entered the changing rooms with Ninetales and Umbreon. She started to sense a soothing wave so she quickly changed and removed the gear from her team. She left and grabbed Raihan before dragging him to the park as Lugia started to descend.

"Did you have fun girl?!" Y/n called out.

Lugia released a happy like roar before landing. She nuzzled y/n's hand before returning to her master ball.

"Should we start towards the restaurant?" Raihan asked as he noted the setting sun.
"Yes," y/n smiled at him.

Umbreon took it upon himself to guide them there as Ninetales stayed by y/n. She had ended up paying for part of the outside restaurant so both her team and Raihan's could appear. Lugia and Zacian did catch a lot of attention but the two legendaries continued to enjoy themselves. Y/n was very amused by Raihan's actions to Dratini. He was currently playing with the dragon type who would make him awe whenever Dratini made a happy like purr. Ninetales was using psychic to secretly take the pokepuffs for herself and the other Pokémon. The bill came where it was agreed they would split it since y/n refused to let Raihan pay for it all. It wasn't long after their teams were returned, that they were relaxing back in their hotel room. Movies were playing in the background once more. Y/n was awake and watching Ninetales who was asleep on Raihan who was also asleep. She took a photo of it as she posted it.

"My two loves <3"

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