The Edge

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Left, right, left cross, jab, jab, jab. Breathe

"If you punch that bag any harder it's gonna fall off it's hinges."

You ignore Steve's comment and stay focused. Left cross, jab, jab, upper cut.
You spin to finish it off with a high kick and Steve catches your leg. "Bad first date, huh (y/n)?"

He lets go of your leg." Well it wasn't the best," you say remembering the awful table talk and the suffocation of Axe. "Shaved my legs just to spend the night with B.O.B." Steve looked confused. "Battery operated boyfriend" you gesture whirling your finger. "Gotta write that one down" Steve laughed.

"What was wrong with this one (y/n)?" Steve said holding up the punching mitts. You continue your refocus your assault. "That's just it. Nothing really. I'm sitting there with a perfectly good looking guy, who is available and I don't know!" Cross, hook, cross. "I just want something to take the edge off."

"The edge?" He eyes you. "Come on Cap, the edge?" He still looks puzzled. "Cap...the edge" you say circling your hips and rowing you first. He shakes his head. "Sex Cap!" He laughs, "Yeah I knew that one it just funny watching you do that." You punch at his arm hard. "I'm just defective."

"You're not defective (y/n)." Steve reassures you. "Maybe you want something more." It was your turn to be puzzled. "Intimacy, romance. I know I come from a different time but those are still real concepts." You shake your head, "Not for me Cap. And definitely not with this job."

"Fine I can see this is a sore subject for you. You going to try another date?" You continue to punch the mitts. "I don't know, I might just give up for now."

"Come on (y/n) you can't just give up on love." You laugh at Steve."I'm not looking for love Steve." You say punching hard one last time.

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