waking up

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You woke with a smile on your face remembering the events of last night. Then you realized a hand in your hip. You turn to find Bucky still in your bed.
He didn't go back to his room?

We never stayed the night together. As you moved he pulled you down closer throwing his leg around you. He was warm. You turn toward him, embracing, falling back asleep with your head buried in his chest.

You wake again to cool blue eyes staring at you. "Good morning" you whisper. "Good morning," he smiled kissing your forehead.

Another first

You smile at each other just staring, this felt different. It didn't feel like you were playing anymore. "You are absolutely beautiful (y/n)." You blushed at his compliment. "You're not to bad on the eyes yourself" you respond. He opened his mouth to say something just as someone knocked on your door. You cover his mouth, signing him to be quiet. He bit your hand playfully. You get up wrapping some blankets around you. He hits your ass as you hobble to the door.

You crack the door open to see Nate standing there with a bouquet of flowers. Shit.

"Hey, you're back." He hands you the flowers,"Yeah" he said, "and I couldn't stop thinking about you. Wondering if we could pick up where we left off?"

Panic sets in. "You're so sweet. These are beautiful. I was still sleeping, a little groggy. Can I call you later?"

He smiled, "absolutely!" He pecked you on the cheek.

"Again, thank you for the flowers." You say closing the door. You breath a sigh of relief as you set the flowers on the counter. You walk back into your room to find Bucky putting on his clothes. His demeanor felt different.

"Hey can't you stay, it wasn't Cap or Tony," you say sitting on the bed.

"You're right it wasn't (y/n). It was just your boyfriend." He griped at you putting on his shirt. He rushed past you. "Bucky wait! What's going on? Where are you going?" He turned angrily, "Back to my room friend! Have a good time on your date!" He yanked the door open and slammed it on the way out.

Tears welled in your eyes.

What the hell just happened?

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