Or Both?

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As you walk down the hall toward your room you hear a loud giggle escape from behind a door. Bucky. You knew he had some random girl he's picked up from here or there. Catching up on lost time. I winch at the mental jab. I guess he deserves it anyway.

Entering your bedroom, you wonder about what he's doing to the girl in the next room. Is he holding her down? Is his metal arm or flesh arm the wandering one? Would the metal be cold or warm against your skin? Is he a biter or trail of kisses? Up against the wall or on the bed? Or Both? You feel a rush of heat go through your body. You laugh at yourself, Stop (y/n). That's not a road you want to go down.

You shower and go down to the dining room finding everyone yelling over each other as usual. Tony and Banner talking tech. Wanda and Natasha laughing. Sam and Cap talking about sports.The food smells delicious as you heap it onto your plate. "You hungry doll?" Bucky says coming up behind you. "Probably not as much as you." You joke at him. His smiles like sin. "Will your bed mate be joining dinner?"

"No doll. I don't do sleepovers." He said grabbing a piece of food off your plate and eating it. Giving you a wink as he grabs his own plate. It's no secret why women fall into his lap. Those dark blue eyes make you want to rip your clothes off and that wink would have the best of us on our knees. The vision of you kneeling before him as he tangles his hand in your hair,as you take all of him on your mouth causes your breath to catch.

"You alright gorgeous?" He asked concerned. You inhale quickly."Yea just a little light-headed from training." Get it together girl. Yeah he's sexy and damaged and you've thought about it before but, you work together, you're friends.

You quickly grab a seat next to Natasha. "Please tell me you can set me up on a date with someone?" She laughs. "I mean I know a few men. Not sure if they're your type." You sigh. "I think I'll take anything at this point."

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