Small Victories

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You felt like a fool and now everyone on the team knew about you and Bucky.

I guess you can't be friends with benefits.

"Hey," Natasha said catching you on the way to the gym. "You ok?" You barley break a smile. "It is what it is you know."

She shook her head at you. "I don't believe that (y/n)."

You drop your gym bag and fall on the bench. "It just all happened so fast Nat.  One moment we were just fooling around and then this morning, it was different and I knew how I felt about him. But then Nate came and I don't know what he thought. But then seeing him with that girl, I just exploded." You threw your head in your hands."I just feel like an ass now, and I made myself look like an idiot in front of everyone."

"No one thinks you're a fool." Natasha said wiping your face. "I think you fell in love. And I think he did too. He just doesn't know how to respond to it. This is an emotion that he hasn't had in almost a century and I think he fucked up."

You smile at her. "I just don't know what to do now. It's going be uncomfortable around him now. Which will affect the team."

"Don't worry about us. We can handle it," Nat jokes. She gets up to leave but before she exits she turns back at you, "You know he sent her home after you yelled at him."

Small victories.

Just leave it all in here, putting your headphones in and wrapping your hands. You take it all out on the punching bag till your knuckles are raw and sweat is running down your face. The bass of the music drives your punching harder and harder. You just kept going and going till all the pain was gone, you were numb. It wasn't until you looked up that you realized it was midnight.

You make your way back to your room ignoring the door that was Bucky's. Inside you drop your bag and begin to slip off your sweaty clothes. It was then you hear something fall from the bedroom. Hair raised, you reached for the gun hidden under the table and turn toward the bedroom. Slowly moving across the floor you reach for the door to the room.
You bust in pointing the gun. "Whoa, woah it's me, it's me!" Bucky yells dropping something else. "Shit, these things are hard to light." He said picking up a white tea candle from the floor.

"What are you doing?!"  You looked around the room and saw flowers and he was lighting candles. Well trying to light.

"I'm trying to apologize. Nat suggested this. But these little things are being a pain in the ass." He said throwing a tea light across the room. You stood there silently looking at him.

"I fucked up (y/n). I didn't know what to do. This morning you were sleeping in my arms and it felt right. Not like the other women. It felt natural and I wanted to say something, but then Nate came and I remembered that this wasn't what you asked for. You wanted no strings attached, just friends. But at that moment I couldn't just be your friend and I got upset, because I thought, with Nate back, maybe you wanted that with him and not me. I remembered that I was just the stand in." He looked down.

You move toward him and plant a kiss on his lips, he instantly grabs your face bringing you in closer. You break his embrace and stare into his ocean blue eyes, "you really are a fucking idiot, you know that?" He laughs against you and continued to kiss you deeply.

"Well you make me a fool, doll," he whispered against your lips. His arms engulf you again. Making sure all the space between you disappeared. Your hands wrap around his neck and up into his hair as he leans down and effortlessly wraps your legs around him, making his way to the bed.

His mouth never left yours as he laid you down on the bed. "Bucky," you whispered, eliciting a moan from him. "Bucky," you say trying to get his attention. "I'm all gross, I've been in the gym. I need a shower," you say on his lips.

"No worries doll, I'll clean you up," he said, hoisting you up and sprinting you to the bathroom laughing. He quickly turned the water on as you got rid of the rest of your clothes. Watching him get rid of his. He was all muscle and scars.

Beautifully damaged. And all mine now.

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