Where are you doll?

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You awoke to a low light and a pounding in your head. A bed creaked under you and as you sat up a chain rattled from your ankle.

Panic set in as you remembered the previous events. You glanced around frantic but there were no windows, no way to tell where you were or how long you'd been there. Even worse, you had no idea what happened to Bucky.

You recalled not being able to find him at the party

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You recalled not being able to find him at the party. And that's when the memory of who had captured you set in.


Your blood boiled. Bucky was right, he shouldn't have been trusted. Just then the door opened.

"You're up, I have some food for you," Nate said irritatingly cheerful.

You lunged toward him and were pulled roughly back by the chain on your ankle. Pain shot through your hip as you hit the floor.

Nate laughed,"Might want to calm down tiger," He said walking around you and setting the tray of food on a small table. You pulled yourself up to face him.

"What the hell is going on Nate?! What did you do? Where am I? Where's Bucky?" You yelled feeling lightheaded.

"So many questions, let's eat first," he smiled sitting down. Heaviness grew in your chest. "I'm not eating anything from you."

He smirked, "Aw, come on doll. I promise it's not poisoned," he ate from the plate.

"You don't ever call me that!," You had the urge to lunge again but thought better of it. "Wheres Bucky, Nate?" Your body felt hot as Nate sat there smirking but saying nothing.

"Well hopefully," he rose from the table,"He's in a bunch of little pieces by now. I guess we'll see when the other agents get back кукла." Nate's usual smooth voice turned to a slick Russia accent. "They'd better have gotten him this time. They missed thier chance back in Germany."

Clarity hit you like a brick. "You're Hydra? It was you who sent those men to ambush him! How is this possible?" Dread flooded your veins. Hydra agents had infiltrated the compound and they had Bucky. And Nate had you.

"That's what I love about you (y/n). You catch on quick.  I'm not exactly Hydra, but my father was. Before the Winter soldier killed him and his team right in front of my eyes. When you look at him you see the beautiful Bucky Barnes." Nate threw his hands up. His fury filled eyes bore into yours. "When I look at him he's always covered in blood! He's a killing machine, a true monster! I've tried many, many times to kill him, so I decided to change tactics using Hydras methods." Anger and hate washed his face.

"Nate you have to understand that Hydra controlled him he was programmed to kill, Hydra killed your father, not Bucky. He's not that man anymore. Please you can stop this!" Tears welled in your eyes as you thought of Bucky being dismembered.

"Still defending him. He really doesn't deserve you," Nate said getting closer to you. You backed up instinctively. "I don't care who he is now," Nate lowered his mouth to your ears whispering. "He can't undo what he's done. But even if my men fail and he survives I can still do what he did to me," Nate snickered and walked past you toward the door.

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