No Rules Then

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You wake up sore the next day. Images of Bucky run through your head. Those eyes. You bite your lip remembering his words. Look at me. You shake yourself back to reality. Just friends!

You shower and rush to breakfast. He was sitting at the table talking to Sam. A small blush runs through you but you keep your cool greeting everyone good morning.

"Okay, what the hell guys! Who left strawberries out? They're all bad now." Wanda yelled looking at the table. "Come on fess up?" Tony followed up. "Fine I'll just check the tape later." Yours and Bucky's eyes widened. You mouthed to him 'The camera.'

"I did it," Bucky called out. "I'm sorry Wanda I got hungry last night and must have forgot to put them back. I'll buy new ones today. Promise." He flashed a smile. "Hey popsicle try not to waste all the food." Tony jabbed. That's saves us, for now.
You stifle a smile as he takes the fall for you. He sneaks a wink at you.

The rest of the day went by as usual. Everyone had their assignments, Wanda, Sam and Cap were sent on a recon mission for a possible Hydra squad. Natasha was escorting Clint back home to visit his kids. Banner and Tony argued about something or another, all day in the lab. That just left you and Bucky to train. "Wanna go a few rounds, but you got to take it easy on me I'm a little sore." He teased. You threw a punch at his arm and he faked injury. "What's the game?" You ask.

"Work on your knife skills? Disarm and mount? You have to get the knife and end up on top." You smiled. "Well then I guess you won last night's game." He laughed loudly. You loved it when I could make him do that. Laugh without reservation.

"Game on," he stanced pulling a knife off the shelf heading to the mat. Standing on opposite sides of the mat he rushed toward you, knife in hand. You blocked the first move. He switched hands spinning to the side which you barley scraped past. "You better move faster, the next one you won't be lucky." He said.


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ou jabbed forward catching his arm and spinning it behind, kicking his knee down, knocking the knife to the floor. He quickly back stepped throwing you off balance. You fell back grabbing the knife next to you on the ground. He quickly mounted your chest, only able to pin your left arm. Before he could reach down for the other one, you had the knife at his throat. "I'm on top," he said looking down at you.

"But I have the knife," you said breathless. "Looks like we're both screwed." He retorted. He leaned down close, skimming his lips against yours.
The knife still at his throat he kissed you hard. He pulls the knife out of your hand as he pins your arms together over you head and brings it to your throat. "Ha I win! Never let your guard down doll." He laughs.

"You cheated!" You throw him off you as he continues laughing,"The enemy isn't going to play by the rules."

"Ok no rules then" you say as a veiled threat walking away.

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