Oh Crap

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Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump

Answer Bucky, answer!

"I repeat does anyone have eyes on Barnes?" Tony yelled.

Resounding no's came from everyone.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump

Your heart was in your throat. The entire world fell silent, except for the sound of blood rushing through your ears.

"I'm here!" Bucky yells through the mic.

You gasp for air not realizing you had stopped breathing.

"I'm here. I'm fine. I got cornered. On my way," Bucky said.

Your pounding heart began to steady. You raced back to the jet. You frantically look around until you see him running toward you. As the space between you closes you yell, "I'm going to kill you Barnes!"

He takes off his mask with a smirk, "I'm sorry doll, didn't mean to scare you," he said wrapping his arms around you

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He takes off his mask with a smirk, "I'm sorry doll, didn't mean to scare you," he said wrapping his arms around you. You breath in his scent and his warmth helps your heart calm down. "I'm sorry I scared you," he whispered again in your ear.

Tears welled up in your eyes. You knew what you did was dangerous and all the risk. But in that moment you couldn't Imagine your life without Bucky.

You board the jet and everyone else piles in. You sat wrapped under Bucky's arm tight this time. His head resting on yours. Whatever happened earlier was out the window now. This is all the mattered.

You were so lost in emotions that you didn't notice Nate's scowl on the way home.


The next morning you and Bucky sat in the conference room for the debriefing. Steve pretty much said it was a success besides Bucky's little disappearing act.

"What happened?" Natasha asked.

"I was on my way to secure the south end. I got ambushed and they were definitely waiting for me. They didn't come with light artillery. They were Russian and they were talking to someone in an earpiece about me. But I handled it." Bucky said squeezing your hand.

"Well glad you're still with us," Tony said. "We'll put some people on it see if there was some other players out there. I'm sure there's still a pretty big price for taking you out. Or maybe someone is trying to even a score."

Bucky shrugged, escaping his past wasn't easy. But he tried harder everyday to make up for what Hydra made him do. Even to Tony. I don't think there was a favor of Tony couldn't ask of him.

"All right. Everything is secured, missions completed, reports need to be in by noon tomorrow. Also, I thought that we could use a little fun so we'll be having a party on Friday." Tony announced.

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