Kick and Duck, My Love

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Nathaniel angrily lunged toward you again. You threw your hands up to block him and threw an elbow that caught him off guard. He continued his pursuit as you continued to throw punches, trying to keep him at arms length.

You were caught off guard by a left hook which sent your back to the wall.  As he advanced you pulled a front kick catching his knee and sending him down. Losing track of the gun, but knowing Bucky was close, you ran toward the door.

By the time you registered the click, pain seared through your left shoulder. You staggered, turning back seeing Nate, still on the floor, gun in hand.

That bastard shot me.

You staggered out into the hallway holding your shoulder, feeling warm blood trickling from your wound. You had to keep moving. You had to find Bucky.

"Run doll face run!" Nates yell echoed through the hall. "I'm coming to get you!" He toyed.

Just keep moving...

Gun shots continued to ring out but you couldn't figure out which direction. You turned hallway after hallway, left, right, left. Only to be met with empty rooms and no exits.

Just keep moving...

Your adrenaline was wearing off and the pain started to become immense

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Your adrenaline was wearing off and the pain started to become immense. You were losing more blood.

Stay awake, keep moving!!!

Your body was getting heavy and moving sent searing pain. You clutched the wall unable to continue running. Your breaths were deep but shallow and you sunk down. You heard laughter behind you.

"Found you," Nate laughed. "How far did you think you were going to get? See I thought you were a smart girl."

"Screw you Nate!" You turned to him. Seeing his shirt covered in blood. "You should be the one that's running. He's here and he's going to kill you." Your breathing was getting heavier.

"Maybe or maybe you're my real bargaining chip." He gestured.

You stared at him, "I was going to kill you. But I may not have too now. You would give yourself up for him let's see if  he would do the same for you." Hate and pain radiated from you.

"You're going to make him trade his life for mine?" You asked fearfully.

"Yup," Nate said happily. He leaned down toward you and whispered. "And when I finally get my hands on him I'm going to torture him slowly and long and remind him that he will never outrun being the Winter Soldier and he will never outrun Hydra." You pushed Nate away in disgust.

"He won't do that!" You screamed.

"I guess we'll just have to see" Nate replied. And with those words he hit you with the butt of the gun, knocking you unconscious.

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