Eyes Open

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His name was Nate. He was good looking with green eyes and short brown hair. He was an agent in a different sector, Natasha had helped train. He knew what what I did so I didn't have to explain my work and he even made me laugh at dinner. I could make this work.

He walked me back to the tower and you invited him up. Back in your room he wasted no time. He had your back against the wall quickly and he slowly kissed you. His hand ran through your hair eliciting a moan. Thank God he's a good kisser.  You reached your hand under his shirt and ran them over his abs. You got rid of your dress as he lifted his shirt. He was right back on you as he lifted you up and over toward the room.

His jeans hung low around his waist

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His jeans hung low around his waist. He trailed kisses up and down your belly. Your body flushed. "God yes," escaped your lips. Finally.  And then it rang. The ringtone you know to well, work.

"Shit" he murmured grabbing it out of his back pocket. "Sir?" He half smiled at me. Fuck he has to go. "Duty calls, I have an immediate assignment.  But I would love to call you when I get back (y/n)." You smiled at him understanding, he wasn't bad company. You reach up on your knees and gave him a kiss."I'd like that." You walk him out in your robe, deflated. So close.

You stop at the kitchen to get some food. "Munchies?" You hear behind you as you dropped a strawberry you were holding. "God Bucky. Stop doing that!" You say as he slinks out of the dark. He laughs. You feel heat rise in you again. You were still on edge from earlier. "No guest tonight?" You tease hopping on the counter with a bowl of strawberries.

"Nope." He sits down next to you on a stool. "Looks like it's just me and you." You catch him staring at the opening of your robe which has dropped down to show part of your pink lace bra. He bit his bottom lip. You do nothing to cover it.

 You do nothing to cover it

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You want one?" Drawing his attention to the fruit in your hand. He shook his head yes. You scoot over on the counter and put a leg on each side of him. His face aligned with your breasts, as your robe falls open more. "What are you doing (y/n)?" His voice deepened. "Giving you what you want." You whisper.

You can hear him breathing hard. He reaches up to bite the strawberry as his hands slide up your thighs. You giggled. Damn thats all it took.

"This is dangerous (y/n). We're friends I don't want to mess that up."

"You're right Bucky. I don't either. But you're not looking for anything serious and neither am I." You grab his flesh hand sliding it up to your hip. "You would just be helping your friend out."

His hand flexed on your skin. He bit his bottom lip again which made you bite yours. "Just friends?" He whispered on you lips. "Just friends," you dart your tongue out grazing his lips. "Fuck" he whispered. He grabbed your face and slammed his lips into yours. Both tongues fighting for control. You wrap your hands around his shoulders, warm flesh on one side, cool metal on the other. He grabs your chin and raises it as he sinks into your neck, biting and sucking at the sensitive skin there. His metal hands sinks down your stomach and inside your panties. He dips a finger in."God you're wet." A moan escapes. "Tell me what you want (y/n)." He rubs his thumb over your clit. "I want you. Please Bucky don't stop touching me." He rubs your clit faster. Your hips bucking to his speed. "That all you want?" He asked between kisses.

You smile and trail your hands down fast inside his jeans, sliding them down. "No I want this to too." Your hands grab him hard and start stroking. He pushes in closer.

You're both gasping as he slams you flat on the counter. He quickly rips your panties and tosses them aside before he pulls you back up to him. He  pulls your hips to the edge of the counter and slams into you in one stroke. A feverish moan erupts from him. His grip on your hips hurts, aching. He continues to thrust hard inside you as he head dips down to bite your breast. He is a biter. The pain radiates straight to your clit. You thrash harder back on him. "God dammit doll, I'm going to cum." His hand moves to rub your clit as he continues to thrust inside you. Your ass bangs against the marble, more pain with the pleasure, throwing your head back, eyes snapped shut. He grabs your neck,"open your eyes, look at me." His command send heat through your body. His eyes lock onto you. His short beard brushes hard against your skin as he bites your lip. "Fuck Bucky." You moan. "Keep your eyes on me." He increases his speed. His hilt hits your clit sending you over the edge. He grabs your chin fixing your face to him, "cum beautiful, but keep them open." It's fucking torture to do but you obey as your orgasm consumes you.
He smiles triumphantly but doesn't stop. He slams your back down on the counter. Forcing full thrust inside you a few more times before you feel him tighten. His crazed blue eyes capture yours as he cums. His heavy breath grazing your skin.

After a few moments you sit up wrapping your robe back around you. "Thanks friend." You tease with a kiss, then hop off the counter back to your room wobbling. "No problem" he pants not moving from the counter.

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