This is where it started

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After your midmorning romp with Bucky you both decided to get dress and meet the rest of the team, in the kitchen, for lunch.

After your midmorning romp with Bucky you both decided to get dress and meet the rest of the team, in the kitchen, for lunch

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Bucky held your hand like always going into the kitchen. You immediately see Wanda sitting and she waved you over. Cap and Sam are talking sports at the other end of the table and Tony and Natasha were both pouring themselves coffee at the counter.

Bucky winks at you as you go to sit down next to Wanda who had just got back from a vacation with Vision

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Bucky winks at you as you go to sit down next to Wanda who had just got back from a vacation with Vision. You see Bucky rummaging through the fridge when he pulls out the strawberries. You internally smile, at the ongoing joke of your first time together, and continue to listen to Wanda.

"Here you go doll," Bucky says as he sets a plate of strawberries in front of you. Playfully slapping his thigh and ignoring the plate in front of you.

That's when you hear Wanda gasp, "oOo my, Oh my God!," she said jumping out of her seat smiling.

"What?" you asked confused.

Following her eye line to the plate, you look down at the strawberries, that you ignored at first, and that's when you see it. A beautiful sparkling diamond ring.

Your heart catches in your throat, when you quickly turn toward Bucky, who slowly bends down on one knee

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Your heart catches in your throat, when you quickly turn toward Bucky, who slowly bends down on one knee.

"Holy shit," you hear Tony and Nat say in unison

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"Holy shit," you hear Tony and Nat say in unison.

"Alright, Yes!," Cap and Sam yell, slapping the table.

You couldn't find words. The room began to spin. Everything felt fast and slow at the same time. Bucky reached for the ring and presented it to you smiling.

Your breathing halted.

"I know this isn't the most romantic way," Bucky began quietly."But I figured this is where it started, in this room with strawberries." Your nerves felt like they were on fire.

"That night I was fooling myself thinking I could just have sex with a close friend and nothing more. It was lie. I fell for you that night in here. I fall for you more and more everyday doll." Tears welled in your eyes.

"I'm not perfect

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"I'm not perfect. But you've taught me that's okay. You've taught me trust and forgiveness. I'm still learning a lot but I know one thing for sure. You are the only person in this entire universe that I want (y/n). And if you'll have me, I'll spend the rest of my life trying to be the man you deserve. Will you (y/f/n) be my wife?" He said holding the ring toward you.

Time felt like it had stopped

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Time felt like it had stopped. You realize you hadn't said anything and the room grew quiet. Was this real? We're you dreaming? You look deep into his eyes. This broken and bruised beautiful man wanted you by his side for eternity.

"Absolutely, Yes!" you shout catapulting yourself into his arms. He smiled wide and picked you up and spun you around. The entire team hollered and clapped with excitement.

Bucky set you down and slipped the ring on your finger

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Bucky set you down and slipped the ring on your finger. He kissed you hard and kept you in his embrace.

"There's no turning back after this doll," Bucky whispered in your ear. "Your going to be mine now forever."

"Your such an idiot," you laugh

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"Your such an idiot," you laugh. "I've always been yours Bucky Barnes." you whispered back making him laugh.

♥️♥️♥️♥️The end

*Authors Note: The train has to stop somewhere unfortunately. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 👻♥️

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