Be Safe

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The next day you woke again in Bucky's arms. This time it would be different. There wouldn't be anyone or thing to interrupt. There wouldn't be any other girls giggling but you. And when you walked out of that room you could hold his hand.

And that's exactly what you did when you made your way to breakfast that morning. Bucky laced his hand in yours as you entered the kitchen. Letting everyone know this was official.

Bucky made his plate as you sat down next to Steve. "So you and Bucky huh?" He said laughing into his cup of coffee. You playfully punch his shoulder as your response. "I thought you weren't looking for love (y/n)?" He joked.

You laughed. "I wasn't it just found me," You say glancing over at Bucky who gives you a wink.

"Good for you two, really (y/n). I'm glad you both figured it out. I don't think I've seen him this happy in a long time. You either for that matter," Steve said sweetly. "But I just have to let you know if you hurt him I'm going to have to kill you." You threw your head back laughing.

The weeks pass more or less the same. And you and Bucky grew more in love. He pushed you in ways you didn't realize you could be pushed. He challenged you in every way. He made you faster and stronger and he made your mind quicker. And you challenged him, to be honest, to be open, to be vulnerable, to be loved.

After a 6:00 a.m. training session with Cap and Sam that morning Tony called everyone to the conference room.

"Okay boys and girls we have some missions we got to get done. We have a round up and evacuate mission" Tony continued. "Unfortunately we're going to have a lot of ground to cover before we can secure our targets and the hostages. So I recruited some other agents for help."

Just then a group of agents led by Nate walked into the room. He smiled at you and you waved back being polite. You glanced over at Bucky who had a sour look on his face. He didn't greet the agents.

Tony continues briefing us and passed out assignments. Bucky stayed quiet for the rest of the briefing. Nate and two other agents were assigned to you and Cap as part of a team to relocate the hostages.

Bucky and Sam, along with some other agents, would be in the same area securing supposed Hydra agents. The meeting ended And everyone was told to prepare and meet at the hangar. Before you could talk to Bucky Nate stepped in front of you.

He flashed that sweet smile he had. "Hey how have you been (y/n)? Still beautiful I see." You smile at the compliment.

"I've been good. Keeping busy. How about you?" You replied.

"Haven't been the same since you dumped me," he joked. "But I understand. I should have known it was dangerous leaving you around the winter soldier." You tense up a little.

Bucky's on the other side of the room with Steve but you knew he could hear your conversation. You see his fist ball at his sides and his jaw clench.  He hates being called the Winter Soldier. That's what Hydra made him not who he was.

"Of course he would want the best girl for himself." You smile polietly at Nate.

"We didnt mean....," You start, but Nate cuts you off. "You don't have to explain." He says. "Anyways I'm excited were finally working together. Don't worry I'll have your back," Nate flashed another smile and walked away.

You Head back to your room and get ready for the mission

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You Head back to your room and get ready for the mission. At the hangar you see Bucky in full black gear and you smile at him but he doesn't return it. In fact he hadn't said anything to you since this morning.

"Hey is everything okay?" You ask him. He stares forward. "Everything's fine. Just focus on the mission." He replied as you and the rest of the team board the jet. His silence is loud.

As you secure your seat next to Bucky, Nate plops down on the other side of you. "This seat taken?" You shook your head no at him. You swear you hear a scoff come from Bucky.

Was this jealousy?

You could feel the tension radiating from Bucky, sitting on your left which contrasted with the smiles coming from Nate on your right.

It's going to be a long day.

"We're approaching, everyone get ready to be dropped," Steve yelled from the front

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"We're approaching, everyone get ready to be dropped," Steve yelled from the front. Everyone released thier buckles and prepared for a silent drop from the jet into the Black Forest.

You looked up at Bucky and he pulls you close and kisses your forehead. "Be safe" he whispered reaching for his mask.

He always kissed you on your forehead before every mission. A ritual you were scared he might not do today, due to his attitude. You smile at him,"Always and forever," you whisper back to him. He half smiled at you.

Hey it was something at least.


You don't remember exactly how you got ambushed but you were glad you had back up. You and Nate were on your way to secure the hostages when a group of agents attacked. Shots were fired and Nate was grazed in the shoulder. One grazed your ear and another just barely missed your head.

Eventually you were able to fight them off and and relocate the hostages safely.

Tony voice buzzed in your ear piece, "Update everyone!"

You hear Sam's voice come through, "east end secured and dearmed. I don't have eyes on Bucky."

"West end secured," Natasha voiced.

You radioed,"hostages safe."

Where the hell is Bucky?

"Buckaroo you still with us?" Tony chided.

Radio silence.

Your heart thumped in your chest. Waiting. A million thoughts ran through your head. Was he wounded? Captured? Dead? The silence felt like vast emptiness as all you could do was wait.


"Bucky! Come in," Tony yelled. "Does anyone have eyes on him?"

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump

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