Everything Went Black

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**(TW:Drugged drink)**

You finish zipping the back of the blue silk dress when you hear a buzz on your phone.

Bucky: Can't wait to see you tonight doll. ♥️ I have a surprise for you.

                      Can't wait to see you too. 
           What are you up to Barnes?🤔

Bucky: You'll see soon. Meet me by the bar. 😉

My God how are his electronic winks so hot.

                                              Yes Sargent!

                                              Yes Sargent!

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You're interrupted by a knock at the door. Wanda stood there in a red halter top dress and short heels. "You look great!," You say. She smiles at you, "Thanks!"

"What do you think?" You say waving her in and twirling.

"You look amazing. Bucky's gonna flip when he sees you in that," she said laughing.

"Thanks," you smile at her. "Alright let's get down there. We're already late."

You do a last once over before heading toward the elevator. You chose this blue because you know it's Bucky's favorite color. 

"So how bad do you think this is going to get tonight?" Wanda teased as the door closed.

"With Tony you never know," you shrugged. "We might all make it to bed before midnight or Sam and Tony might get drunk again and race around the compound in their suits," you both laugh remembering.

The elevator opens and your both immediately hit with music and a crowd of people. Some you recognize, other agents and staff and some unknown. A celebrity appears here and there. Tony knows how to throw a party.

"I'm going to go find Vision," Wanda yelled over the music. You shook your head okay to her. "I'm going to the bar," you signal to her.

You weave through the mob of people until you make it to the bar. You glance around but no Bucky. You wave down the bartender and order a glass of white wine.

As the bartender slides your drink you feel a hand on your lower back squeeze

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As the bartender slides your drink you feel a hand on your lower back squeeze. A smile spread across your face.


You turn and immediately your heart drops. Nate stood before you smirking. "You look amazing (y/n)," he said as you slipped out of his intimate grip. "You always look great though," he winked at you. He grabbed a drink from the bartender as you scanned the room trying to find Bucky.

"He's not here yet (y/n)," Nate said. "You guys seemed joined at the hip. You know he doesn't own you right," fire rolled through your body.

"Excuse me?" You retort. "My relationship is none of your business Nate." You remind him.

"I didnt mean it like that (y/n). It's just that you see how he is. Look at what he did to me just for talking to you. I know he's 'better' but he's not alright. You deserve better (y/n)," he touched your face, to which you immediately pulled away.

Fury boiled inside. "First of all you have no permission to touch me! Second you know nothing of Bucky and I's relationship or anything about him period. You need to back off Nate!" You grab your drink and storm away. Making your way through all the people. You end up finding Steve and Sam.

"Hey have you seen Bucky?" They both shake thier head No.

Dammit where are you Barnes?

You check your phone, but see no texts or calls. You downed your wine and decide to keep looking.

Minutes passed and you still couldn't find him. And all of the sudden the floor felt like it was slipping from under you. You kept trying to pass through people dancing but your limbs felt heavy. Suddenly and arm was around you and moving you to the music.

Nate whispered in your ear. "It's too late gorgeous. You're mine now." He leads you away from the crowd and the room continuously spun.

"You put something in my drink," you slurred. You tried to reach for your phone. "I don't think so," Nate laughed taking the phone.

You couldn't form words anymore

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You couldn't form words anymore. Everything was spinning and your body felt like you were carrying bricks. The entire party became a blur and looked far away now as you clung to the hallway walls. Tears filled your eyes. The feeling in your body was slipping away.

Bucky I need you

And then everything went black.....

And then everything went black

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