you're here too?

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I wake up to the sound of the doorbell. I get up to see who it is. 'Goodmorning, you ordered food?' 'Sorry but we didn't-' 'yes thank you!' Alex gets beside me, takes the bag of food and pays the man. 'Thanks'. The man walks away and I close the door.

'You ordered breakfast without me?' 'Yes, but I ordered for the both of us. So there is plenty of food' 'well ok then'. I grab a plate and sit infront of her. When we're done eating I go take  a shower and get dressed》

 When we're done eating I go take  a shower and get dressed》

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'You're coming with me to get some groceries?' I ask Alex. 'No, the woman of the house is coming in 15 min someone needs to be here' 'ok well I'm going then' 'ok'.

I grab my stuff and walk outside and get in the car. I get all the groceries we need and am on my way to pay for it when I bump into a guy. 'Oh I'm sorry' I say. The guy turns around. 'Chase?' 'Hey Zoë!' 'What are you doing here??' 'I'm on vacation here'. He laughs. 'Yes I see that. I didn't know you stayed on this island' 'well I am but I gotta go my friends are waiting for me. It was nice seeing you again' 'it was nice seeing you to' 'bye bye' 'bye'.

I pay for my groceries, get back to the car and drive back to the house. When I get there Alex is dancing to music in her swimsuit. 'Oh hey you're back!'. She helps me with the bags. 'Guess who I saw in the supermarket' 'who?' 'Chase' 'I missed seeing Chase?! Damn it he's hot!' I laugh. 'He is'.

When we're done with the groceries I change into a swimsuit. 'Lets take some pictures!' Alex yells from the livingroom. 'Ok give me a minute'. I do my hair and then get out of my room. Alex and I take some pictures and I post one on instagram.

Zoëadams: Hawaï things yk

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Zoëadams: Hawaï things yk

Alexfrench: girllll you just slay way to hard
Lilhuddy: I kinda agree with Alex... You look way to good
Zoëadams: @lilhuddy you have to see @alexfrench if you think I look good!

I put my phone away and get in the pool. Alex puts music on and then comes in to. 'Oh by the way the woman told me the people who are staying in this house too are coming today' 'oh ok'. After some time I get hungry. I get out of the pool grab my phone and go inside to grab a towel. Then I hear a sound at the door. I walk to the door to see what it is. 'Bro what if they are really old?'. It's a boy. 'But what if they are really hot girls!' I get to the door. 'Chase?' 'Wait Zoë?' 'Hi' 'what are you doing her?' 'Alex and I stay here. I guess you're the other people who are staying here?' 'Wait you are staying here to?' 'Yeah' 'So Chase you gonna tell us who the pretty lady is?' An other guy enters the house. 'Oh Zoë these are Jaden, Nick and Anthony. Guys this is Zoë' 'hi do you guys need a hand with your stuff' 'It's ok' 'well Alex and I took the last two rooms so the first 3 are for you guys' 'were you in the pool?' Chase asks. 'Yes Alex is still there' 'well the guys and I were gonna go to the beach you guys wanna come to?' 'Sounds like fun let me get Alex'.

The guys put their stuff in their rooms. I walk outside. 'Hey chase and his friends are here. They wanna go to the beach I'm gonna go to. You coming with us?' 'Wait Chase is one of the people staying here??' 'Hi, beautiful'. Chase walks up to us. Alex start to blush. I laugh and walk inside to go change.

'Hey pretty lady'. I turn around. 'Anthony right?' 'Yes ma'am. So you're coming to the beach with us?' 'Yes' 'good' 'well I gotta go change' 'oh yes go change' ' bye' 'bye'.

I get in my room and grab a pair of shorts, a T-shirt and shoes. I put them on and walk out. All the guys are sitting on the couch waiting. 'Is Alex still in her room?' 'Yes'. I walk to her room and open the door. 'Uhh I think she's changing' Nick says. 'So?' I smile to the boys and walk in. 'Alex, you're ready?' 'Yes'. She walks out of her bathroom. 'Lets go'. She gives me a small kiss on the cheek. I grab her wrist and pull her back. 'Why are you so happy?' I ask. 'Zoë... there are 4 hot guys sitting on the couch behind this wall. I think that's more than enough reason to be happy'. I laugh. 'Now come they are waiting for us'.

We walk out of the room and walk outside to the car. 'There is one thing we have one car and 6 people...' Nick says. 'Well Zoë can just sit on my lap' Alex says. 'I'm fine with that' I say. 'Oh ok then' Nick says.

We get in the car and I sit on Alex's lap. We drive to the beach. On the way there I find all the guys looking at us in the corner of their eyes. I smile. Ofcourse this turns them on...

we get to the beach and get out of the car. We put our stuff down. I get out of my clothes. 'Last one in has to pay for dinner' I yell while running towards the sea. I hear then yelling things like 'that's unfair' 'wait'. I get to the sea first. I turn around and then I see Anthony running towards me. But I'm to late and he pushes me in the water. 'Anthony!'. I slap him against his shoulder. He laughs. Chase is the last one in the water. 'Guess I'm paying'. We laugh. After 10 min of talking we decide to play a game where you get on each others shoulders and push the others off. Teams were Jaden and Anthony, Chase and Alex and me and Nick. Me and Nick win every round. 'We're a dreamteam!' I say laughing.

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