a good day

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The next morning I woke up. My back hurts from laying in this position all night. I look at my phone. It's still facetiming Anthony. He's in bed sleeping but he set the phone up so I can see him. I look at the time. It's 6:23. I get up and walk to my bed getting under the sheets. I fall back asleep.

After a few hours I wake up by the bell ringing. I groan. Then I hear a voice. "Open the door you sleepy head" it's Anthony trough the phone. It seems like he is infront of my house. I get up and walk towards the front door. There he is.

He ends the call. "Goodmorning sunshine" Anthont smiles entering my appartment. "I got you some food. You hungry?" "Ughh yes" I say aitting down at the table.

He puts the food infront of me and I start eating.

"Ok so Jaden will be here in 45 minutes" Anthony says.

My head shoots up. "J-Jaden?" I ask. He nods. "Something wrong?" He asks confused about my reaction. I put on a smile and shake my head. "Ofcourse not"

When I'm done with the food I stand up to go get changed. Anthony grabs his phone.

I go to my closet and pick this out》

I go to my closet and pick this out》

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While I change i hear the bell.

"I'll open it" Anthony says. I hear him walking to the door. "Hey man"

I grab my stuff and get out of my room. The boys are in the livingroom talking about something. I can't exactly hear what they are talking about but they stop as soon as they notice me entering the room.

"Are we gonna go?" I ask looking at the boys. They nod standing up and walking towards the front door. I walk after them locking the door behind me.

We get into Jadens car since all the stuff is in there and drive to the spot. It pretty hot today. We walk to the shed. We get all the old stuff out and separate them. All the stuff we can't use we put back in Jaden car. 

After an hour we separated everything and brought it to the car.

"I'll go and throw it away" Jaden says. Anthony nods. "I'll come with you" I say.


"I'll come with you" She says. I shoot a shocked look at Anthony. He shrugs his shoulders. 'Go for it' he mouths. I put a smile on my face.

"Ok lets go then" I say smiling at Zoë. She smiles back before walking to the car. I walk after her.

I start to drive towards the place where we can drop all these stuff.

"Can I put on some music?" Zoë asks. "Sure" I say. She puts on comatose. I look at her. She has a smirk on her face.

She starts singing along with my song. It kinda gives me butterflies. I start singing to. We're just jamming out.

𝐕𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now