the Netherlands

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The plain ride took a while but I slept through most of it so it was okay. We get our suitcases and walk outside. It's the end of the day here. We get an uber and I give the driver the adress. After an hour we arrive at my aunts house. She texted me that she is still at the hospital but that the keys were underneath the doormat and that there was food in the fridge that we could warm up.

I open the door while Nick is looking around. "It looks so different here" He says. I giggle. "I know right. I haven't been here in so long. I've kinda missed it" I say looking at the sheeps. "Come on, I'm hungry" I say turning back to the door.

I grab my suitcase and walk in placing it next to the stairs. Nick places his next to mine after closing the door behind him. I open the door to the livingroom and kitchen when a dog comes running up to me.

"oh my god heyy!" I say kneeling down. "You've grown so much" I say patting the dog. "Scooter right?" He barks. "Jeez you're way bigger then the picture my mom showed me" I say getting up. "But then again that was 2 years ago" Nick laughs. I hit his shoulder. (Scooter is in the media)

I walk by Scooter towards the kitchen. I open the fridge and see a bowl full spaghetti. 'Yes' I think to myself. I grab the bowl and two plates before walking to the microwave finding a note on there. It just says how it works. I put some spaghetti on one plate and put it in the microwave for a few minutes. Nick walks into the kitchen.

"Do you need help?" he asks. "If you can grab cups and something for us to drink that would be perfect" I say. He nods and goes into one of the cabinets. When the spaghetti is done I put the other plate in and set the one that's done on the table. Nick grabs the cutlery out of the drawer putting it on the table.

"Where is the water?" Nick asks. "Right here" I say pointing to the crane. He looks at me discusted. I laugh. "Try it. I promise it's better than you think" I say. He grabs his glass before filling it with tap water. He gives me an 'are you sure?' look. I nod. He takes a little sip before looking confused at the water.

"This doesn't taste bad at all" He says. "Told you" I say. He grabs an other glass filling it with tap water to then putting it on the table. I grab the other plate of spaghetti and walk to the table putting it down. I sit down. Nick sits down infront of me.

When we're done eating I put the plates in the dishwasher. I hear the frontdoor open and see Scooter running towards it. I look around the door seeing my aunt. She smiles at me.

"Hey Zoë. Hoe was de vlucht?" She asks. I look at her confused. I used to kinda understand Dutch but I kinda lost it and this went way to fast. "To fast?" She asks laughing. I nod. "How was your flight?" she asks. "Long but it was okay" I smile. Nick walks towards us. "Oh this is Nick. My mom said I could take someone with me" I say introducing Nick. "Oh yes your mom told me yes. Hi I'm Isabel" she says holding out her hand. Nick grabs it. "Nice to meet you" He smiles.

"Hij is knap" My aunt says. I laugh. She just said that he is handsome. Nick looks at us confused. "It's nothing" I say. "I'll show you guys where you can stay" She says before walking back into the hallway. We follow her. We grab our suitcases and walk up the stairs. Her house is pretty big. She lives in an old farm so there is a lot of space. If you see it from the outside you wouldn't think it would look like this from the inside. She really decorated it really nice and like this it has an aesthetic vibe. We walk up an other stair before arriving to the room.

"You guys both have you're own room. You can choose who gets which" My aunt says before opening one of the doors and then the other one. They both have a double bed. "I'll go with this one" I say placing my suitcase in one of the rooms. "Then I'll take this one" Nick says placing his suitcase in the other room. "Ok then here is your bathroom. There is enough space for the both of you. But if someone is on the toilet here there is always one downstairs" My aunt smiles. "Thank you Isabel" I give her a hug. "I'll leave so you guys can get your stuff out" She smiles before walking back down the stairs.

I walk into my room and grab my suitcase. I place it on the bed before opening it. Nick walks into my room plopping down on the bed. "Aren't you gonna get your stuff out?" I ask. "I actually wanted to go on a walk. You wanna come with?" He asks. "Sure. Let me just change real quick" i say. He nods before walking out of the room closing the door behind him. I grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and put them on. I walk out of my room and walk to Nicks door. I knock.

"Come in" He says. I open the door. He is standing there with a shirt over his head. I can see his torso. 'Damn, haven't seen that in a while' I think to myself. "I'm done you ready to go?" he asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I nod. "mhm"

We walk downstairs. I tell my aunt we are going to take a walk. She asks if I want to take Scooter with me. I tell her ofcourse and she grabs the leash. We walk outside with Scooter starting our walk. The sun is still up. We walk along the pastures. We get to a little playground.

"You wanna hold Scooter for a sec?" I ask Nick hyped. "Sure why?" He asks grabbing the leash. "I'm gonna go down the slide" I smile. He chuckles. "You're such a child" He says before I run towards the slide getting a lot of sand in my shoe. I giggle. "Your opinion. You can keep it. I'm undefeted I really don't need it" I say climbing up the stairs. He shakes his head laughing.

I go down the slide before walking to the swings. I sit down on one of them. Nick walks towards me an sits down on the other one. We watch the sunset from here. It's really pretty. I take a picture of it and put it on my instagram story. When the sun is set we decide to walk back.

Now that the sun is gone it's a lot colder. I shiver. Nick takes of his jacket and puts it around my shoulders. I smile at him. "Thanks" "No problemo" He smiles back. I put my arms in the jacket. It ofcourse is way to big. Nick takes a picture. He snickers looking at it. "Can I see?" I ask. "Sure when we get back you can open your instagram" He says before starting to walk again. I roll my eyes before walking after him.

When we get back to the house I let Scooter off the leash and hang the leash where I got it from. I slide my shoes off before walking to the kitchen to get something to drink. After I got my drink I walk to the livingroom.

"Is there anything else you need help with?" I ask my aunt. "No thank you sweety" "Ok goodnight then" "Goodnight"

I walk upstairs. I hear the shower running. I walk into my room and plop down on my bed after putting on my pajamas. I grab my phone and open instagram. I go to Nicks page an refresh it. The picture of me pops up on my screen.

Nickaustin: she got cold Tagged: @zoëadams

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Nickaustin: she got cold
Tagged: @zoëadams

Zoëadams: it's cold here
-nickaustin: it's not that cold

Lilhuddy: that's kinda goals

Alexfrench: you guys went to the Netherlands without saying goodbye??!!
-lilhuddy: wait YOU GUYS ARE IN THE NETHERLANDS?????
--Nickaustin: sorry alex you were sleeping and chase I told you we were going!

This chapter is a little longer. I hope you guys like it :))

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