I don't have a boyfriend

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When I walked out of the room I saw Jaden at the machine getting something to drink. "You want something?" He asks. "No thanks" I say and give him a small smile. "So how did it go? How are you feeling?" He asks. "I'm fine it was just a panick attack. And inside it went ok. Still don't know what happend exactly but I thought it would be good if he had some rest. I will hear it later" "mhmm well I'm glad your fine" he says.

We walk to the waitingroom where Nick is already sitting. I sit down next to him. "You ok baby?" He asks putting an arm around me. "I'm fine" i say. He places a kiss on my head. I lay my head down on his shoulder. "Way to ruin the day" he laughs. I look up at him. "I'm so sorry. You had everything planned out and now we can't do it" i say truly sorry. "It's ok the ticket for the boat is till tomorrow. We can do it then if you want to" he smiles. "I would love that" I say putting my head back on his shoulder.


"Zoë wake up. Alex is up". I groan. "Hmmmm what?" I ask opening my eyes. "Alex is up. She is asking for you" nick says. "Oh" i immediatly get up. I get a little dizzy. Nick grabs my arms. "Hoo slowly babe" he says. I smile at him. "It's ok" he lets go of me. I walk to the room. Now Chase is asleep and Alex is up. "Hey baby, how you feeling?" I ask her. "What happend? And where am I? And who's that?" Alex asks. "What do you mean? That's Chase your boyfriend" i say confused. "No he's not. I don't have a boyfriend" she says. "Alex what's the last thing you remember?" I ask. "Us getting to the airport. Wait did we get into a accident??" She asks now a little panicked. "Jeez" i say. "What? Whats wrong? Zoë?" I zoned out for a second.

She lost her memories of the last week. She only remembers me. She doesn't know any of the boys or what happend.

I snapped back. "Uh alex you got in a car crash. But only you. Well and him" I say pointing to Chase. "what do you mean?" She asks. "We've been here for a week now. We met these 4 boys that stay in the same house as us. Jaden, Anthony, Nick and Chase. Nick is my boyfriend now and Chase is yours. You and him got in a car crash. I don't know what happend exactly" i say. She starts to stress. "That's not true. Zoë you're playing with me. I can't just forget a whole week" she says. I just sigh. "Did I?" She asks now sad to. I nod.


I can't remember anything. Last thing I remember is me and Zoë getting in the car. How the hell can't I remember a week?? And my boyfriend?? I'm stressing out right now.

Then the boy next to me, chase apparently, wakes up. "Baby you're up" he says happy. Zoë looks at him sad. I look at him a panicked. "What's wrong?" He asks. "She doesn't remember" Zoë says. "She doesn't remember the accident?? That's a good thing right. It was horrible-" he started rambling. Zoë cuts him of. "She doesn't remember this whole week". His face drops. "What?" "I'm sorry Chase" Zoë says. "Babe come on you remember us going to the beach?" I shake my head. "The romantic spot?" I again shake my head. His eyes start to water. Mine now to.

It sucks. The feeling that I made him cry. But it's true I don't remember any of it. And him calling me babe or baby freaks me out a bit. But I know he doesn't mean it that way. I try to remain calm. He already feels bad enough.

Then the doctor comes in. "You're both up good. We're gonna move you into different rooms" he says. Good.


She doesn't remember me. Or anything we did this week. It hurts. It hurts so bad. I know she can't do anything about it but it still hurts. Knowing she will never know how much i loved her and how she loved me. Does she still love me??? Ofcourse not she can't even remember me.

The doctor rolls my bed into another room. There are still tears in my eyes. Zoë walks with me. "Please make her remember me again" i say trying to hold back my tears. "I'll try my best" she says. "Thank you" she walks out of my room.


I walk back to Nick, Jaden and Anthony.  "Hey how did it go?" Jaden asks. "Baby you're ok?" Nick asks seeing my faces is still to the ground. "She doesn't remember anything from this week" i say quietly but just loud enough for them to hear. "What?" There faces drop. "She doesn't remember you guys or all the things we did. Last thing she remembers is us getting int the car to go to the airport" i say. "I'm gonna go to chase" Jaden says. "Me to" Anthony says going after Jaden. "Come sit down for a sec" nick says. We sit down and that's when the tears start flowing.

I know i'm not the one who needs to cry right now but it's just everything happening at once. It's just to much.

I cry on Nicks shoulder. He hugs me. "Sss it's gonna be ok" he says comforting me. After a few minutes i stopped crying. Anthony and Jaden come back. "He wants to talk to you" Anthony says to Nick. "I'll be gone for a few minutes ok baby?" I nod. Chase needs him more right now than I do. He walks of and I'm left with Jaden and Anthony. They both grab one of my hands and pull me into one big hug. I smile. They are so sweet. I really needed it. 

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