tv skateboard

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Mads hands me the 2 swimsuits. I pick one and hand the other to Devyn.



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Mads walk out of the room

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Mads walk out of the room. I go into the bathroom to change so Devyn can change in the room.

We get back outside to the others. Anthony is gone now. I look around for him.

"Where did anthony go?" I ask Josh. Josh just snickers. I look at him confused but then I feel a pair of arms around my waist.

"NO NO NO!" I yell before I get thrown into the water. When I get back above water I see Devyn come towards me. Bryce trew her in. She almost lands on me. Bryce and Anthony laugh before couting and jumping in to.

I swim to the stairs to get out.

"Aw you going already?" Anthony says pouting. I roll my eyes.

"Lets play a game of volleyball" Bryce says. "Ooooh yes!" Devyn says. "Ok me and Devyn against you 2" Bryce says. "Hey count me in to!" Jaden says jumping in. "I wanna play to" Josh says getting in the pool. "Jaden you're with us" Anthony says. "The team that looses has to skate off the road on the tv" Bryce says. We all agree.

We start to play. I really suck at volleyball if I'm being honest. After a while it's 7-4. We're loosing.

"Come on Zoë! Where did your spirit go?" Jaden asks when he notices I got a little tired of this game. "It's just that we're never gonna win this" i say. "Who says?" Anthony says before smashing the ball making a point. "Wow you couldn't have done that sooner??" Jaden says laughing. Anthony and I laugh.

Anthony makes a point again. We finally end up loosing with one point. "Guess we're skating of the road" Jaden says.

We get out of the pool and dry of. We then put on clothes. The guys tape 2 skate boards on the tv. We get to the end of the road.

"We're really doing this?" I ask a little scared. "We have to. We lost the game" Jaden says. I nod. "Hey we're here. Nothing is gonna happen to you"  Anthony says. They both smile at me.

We sit on the tv. Anthony in the front, Jaden in the back and me in the middle.

"Ready?" Anthony asks look back. I slowly nod. He then lets his feet go off the floor and we start going down. At first it is a little scary but when we get the hang of it it's actually fun.

"Hell yeah!" I yell happy when we're going past the others who are filming us. We bump into a fence. The 3 of us are laughing like crazy when the rest runs towards us to make sure we're okay.

After that the boys go a few more times. I go to Devyn and see that Oscar arrived to.

"Hey!" I say happy. "Hi, didn't know you did stunts like that" he says laughing. I laugh.  "Well we lost the game so" i shrug my shoulders.

The rest of the afternoon we do some fun stuff until I decide to go home. Devyn got home with Oscar already so I'm on my own.

When I get back to the appartment I get a text.

Nick: hey
Me: hi
Nick: wyd?
Me: nothing really just got home
Me: you?
Nick: nothing
Nick: you wanna ft?
Me: sure :)

I get a faetime call from Nick. I accept it.

"Hey" I say. "Hi. Are you in the kitchen?" He asks looking at my surrounding. I nod. "I'm grabbing some ice cream" I say.

I grab the ice cream and a spoon and walk to my room.

"So how was your day?" Nick asks. "It was-"

We talked for 2 hours until I fell asleep. It was pretty fun talking to him again. We're close to being friends again. I know he wants more then that but he has to win my trust first. Till so far he's doing great.

*a few weeks later*

Today is THE day... Me and Nick are going to hang out. Only the 2 of us.

I mean we're not planning on doing anything. We're just going as friends but still I'm nervous. Maybe something crazy will happend.

Ok so for their first day haning out again. What should they do. Because I have an idea but I don't know if you guys would like it. So tell me what you would like to read :)

Also sorry that this is shorter than my normal chapters. I'm kinda getting out of ideas for this story. I don't wanna end it though I love writing this and it keeps my mind off of things so yea if you got any ideas please tell me. I love you guys <33

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