party time

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'Heyy you guys made it!' Nessa yells when she sees us. 'Oh and you took guys' she says smirking. There are a lot of people. There is loud music and the smell of alcohol is strong. 'You want something to drink' Nessa asks. 'Yes' me an alex go with her to take something to drink leaving the boys behind. 'Who wants to play spin the bottle?!' Someone yells from the livingroom. 'You guys wanna play?' Nessa asks. 'Sure' alex says. Nessa grabs my hand and takes me to the livingroom. The boys are sitting aorund the table with 2 other guys and 3 girls. 'We're playing to' Nessa says while sitting down. I sit down next to her. Alex comes and sits down infront of me. 'I start!' Nessa yells. She spins the bottle. It lands on Jaden. They kiss. Now it's my turn. I spin the bottle and it lands on Alex. All the boys go oooo. I give her a passionate kiss. I sit back down.

We've all spin once or twice. It's my turn again. I spin the bottle. It lands on Nick. I standup to give him a quick kiss. But unexpected it turns into a passionate, sweet kiss. I've never felt that way with someone. I pull away a bit confused. I sit back down. We played for an other 30 min. Then I decide to get an other drink. Nick goes after me. 'You enjoying the party?' He asks. 'Yes, you?' 'Kinda. Sorry for what happend back there' 'what do you mean?' 'The kiss' 'oh it's ok. We were playing a game' 'true' 'you want something to drink' 'no thanks. Someone has to drive back and it's definitely not gonna be one of them' he points at Jaden, Anthony and Chase who are playing beerpong. 'Good thinking' i laugh. I pour myself a drink then turn back to Nick. Then someone pushes me from behind. I fall on top of nick. 'You ok?' He asks holding me. 'Yes, i'm sorry' i stand back up. 'It's ok'. 'Zoë come play truth or dare with us!' Alex yells from the livingroom. 'I'm coming! You coming to?' 'Yes'. We walk back to the livingroom and sit down on the couch. 'Ok Alex truth or dare?' Hannah, one of the girls we also played spin the bottle with, says. 'Truth' 'do you like Chase?'. That's a good question. I mean I know she likes Chase. Just the way she smiles when he talks to her says more then enough. 'Yes'. Everyone goes oooo and Chase and Alex blush. 'My turn. Zoë truth or dare?' 'Dare' 'i dare you to go to the bathroom with nick for 7 min. There needs to be some kind of touching' 'ok'. Stand up and grab nick hand pulling him to the bathroom. I have to say i don't mind this dare at all. Wait what am i saying. Do i like nick?? No i can't like nick. He's a friend. We walk into the bathroom and he locks the door behind him. 'There hasn't have to happend anything if you don't want to' he says. 'Well there needs to be some touching' i sit down on the counter. He walks up to me and stands between me legs. He places his hands on my thighs. 'Is this ok?' He asks. 'Yes' i say soft. I look up into his eyes. I lick my lips before opening my mouth to say something. 'So how-' he stops me by pressing his lips on mine. I don't kiss back at first but when i notice what's happening i deepen the kiss. He's the one that pulls away this time. 'I'm sorry i just wanted to do that again'. I give him a quick kiss. 'Don't be sorry'. Then there's a knock on the door. Nick lifts me up from the counter and places me on the ground. 'We should go to parties more often' he says with a smirk. We go outside and walk back to the livingroom. Nick sits back down on the couch but my seat is taken now. I stand there a little akward. Then nick taps on his lap signaling me to sit on it. I sit down a little akward. He pulls me to him. I lay in his chest. Jeez he smells good. 'It's your turn Zoë' 'right uhm chase truth or dare?' 'Dare' 'i dare you to let Alex sit on your lap' 'no problem'. We winks Alex to him. She sits on his lap. Her face gets really red. She gives me a what are you doing look. I laugh. I know she doesn't mind sitting on his lap.


The guys and Alex are waisted at this point. I'm a little drunk but I can still think straight. Most people are gone and the party gets a little boring. 'Hey should we go home?' Nick says walking up behind me. 'Good idea. I get alex and Chase you get Jaden and Anthony' 'ok see you at the car'. I walk around looking for Alex ans Chase. I find them kissing in the hall. I tap Alex on the shoulder. 'We're going' 'can't you see I'm busy!'. Jeez she's drunk. I grab both of their hands and walk to the frontdoor. 'I don't wanna go yet' alex says. 'Me neither' Chase says. 'Well I'm sorry but we have to go'. 'Ok then' they say. Their heads going sad. We get to the car where Anthony Jaden and Nick are waiting. We get in the car. Nick driving, me in passangerseat, Anthony, Jaden, Chase and Alex in the back. Alex is passed out on Chases lap. 'Did you enjoy the party?' I ask Nick. 'Well there were some things I didn't expect to happen but I'm not complaining'. He smiles at me. I blush knowing he's talking about the kiss. We get to the house. The boys walk in and nick gets alex to her room. The boys fall asleep immediatly. I go to my room and change. There's a knock on my door. Then Nicks head pops up. 'Hey just wanted to say goodnight' 'night'. He closes the door. I get in my bed and open my instagram to post something

Zoëadams: maybe tonight was a bit to much fun Tagged: @alexfrench @nickaustin

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Zoëadams: maybe tonight was a bit to much fun
Tagged: @alexfrench @nickaustin

Nickaustin: you can put away the maybe🏃‍♂️😂
     -Zoëadams: probably

Alexfrench: i don't even remember taking this :)
     -Zoëadams: that's because you were waisted

Jadenhossler: why aren't we on the picture?
     -Luvanthony: ^^
     -Zoëadams: you guys were dping karaoke

Lilhuddy: where is the picture credits??
      -Zoëadams: I'm suprised you even remember


Alexfrench: even tho I don't remember much i loved the party! Tagged: @nessabarrett 📸~ @zoëadams

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Alexfrench: even tho I don't remember much i loved the party!
Tagged: @nessabarrett
📸~ @zoëadams

Nessabarrett: what was so funny?
     -alexfrench: i was gonna ask you the same thing

Zoëadams: teen drinking is very bad
     -alexfrench: i got a fake ID tho

Lilhuddy: i just found a great pic of us
     -alexfrench: go post it!


Lilhuddy: you told me to post itTagged: @Alexfrench

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Lilhuddy: you told me to post it
Tagged: @Alexfrench

Alexfrench: my ass looks great :)
      -lilhuddy: thought so to

Jadenhossler: i think i made this picture

Zoëadams: you guys are cute together!
     -Luvanthony: ^^^

Nickaustin: i would like to be so cute with someone :(
     -lilhuddy: oh i know someone for you ;)

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