good news

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15 minutes later Jaden and Anthony walk in the room. "Thought you guys would be here" Jaden said pointing at me and Nick. They say hi to Alex and Chase before also sitting down. We all just talk until the doctor comes back in to run the tests. Me, Anthony, Jaden and Nick get out of the room and walk towards the waitingroom. "Who is in for a little beach walk?" Jaden says. "That's actually a pretty good idea" I say. "I'm gonna stay here I think" Anthony says. "Same for me" Nick says. "Ok well we will be back in a little" Jaden says.

We walk out of the hospital. The beach is like 5 minutes away from here so we just walk. "So how are you and Nick?" Jaden asks. "We're very good actually" I say thinking about last night. "Good" he says. "It's actually good that it's just the 2 of us now" he says. I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well there is this girl back home. I really like her but I don't know how to show her. I mean everyday when we hang out she is just busy with Bryce and only looks at me" he says. "Well seems like she likes you" I say. "What do you mean she's with Bryce all the time!" "Well who is it?" "Can't tell you" "ok then I can't help you" "fine. It's mads" "i knew it! But let talk to her for once" "what do you wanna do then?" "Just let me do my magic"

We are on our way back when I get a text from Nick saying the testresults are out. I text him that we are on our way back and should be there in 10 minutes. "Who was it?" Jaden asks. "Nick. The testresults are out. I told him we're back in 10 minutes" "ok"

10 minutes later we walk back in the hospital. Only Anthony is standing there. "Hey. So?" I ask. "Alex has to stay till tomorrow morning but Chase can go now!" Anthony says. "That's good!" I say happy. "Nick is already in the room helping Chase" he says. "Ok". Then Chase and Nick walk towards us. "Hey" i say giving Chase a hug. "I'm just gonna go to Alex ok?" They all nod their heads. I walk into the room. "Hey" "hi!" "You can go tomorrow I heared" "yess! I'm actually so happy. It sucks here" she says. I laugh. Then Nick walks in. "Zoë you're coming?" He asks. "I'm coming" i give Alex a hug. "I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning" i say. She smiles. "See you tomorrow" she says. Me and Nick walk out of the room.

We walk to our car. Anthony, Jaden and Chase were already gone with the other car. We get in the car. Nick looks at me. "What?" I ask. Then he kisses me. "I didn't do that yet today" he says. I blush. Yes he still has that power over me. He will always have. I grab my phone and decide to look up mads insta. I follow her and then put my phone away again.

We get back to the house. The boys already arrived. Then I get a text from Nessa.


You and Alex wanna do something today?

Shit. I forgot to tell her.


Not really
But I have to tell you something
Can I come over?


Ok i'm omw


"I'm gonna go to nessas ok?" I tell nick. "Ok, have fun baby". I give him a quick kiss and then get to the car. I get in and drive to nessas house. I knock on the door. Nessa opens. "Heyy girl" she smiles. "HI girl" i say. She opens the door fully so I can get in.

"So what dId you have to tell me?" She asks when we're in her room. "Alex. She got in a accident" "what?? How?? When??" "Yesterday. With Chase. Chase just got out of the hospital but Alex still has to stay untill tomorrow morning" "omg" "there is still one thing... She doesn't remember this whole week. What means-" "she doesn't remember me". Nessas face drops. "I'm so sorry" "it's not your fault". I pull her into a hug.

"You can come with me tomorrow morning to pick her up if you want" i say. "I would like that actually" she says. The rest of the day it's just me and Nessa making tiktoks, watching movies and talking.

I get a text from Nick saying that they are gonna eat at mac donald's and asking is I'm coming to. "You wanna eat mac donald's?" I ask Nessa. "Sure" she says. We get in my car and I drive to the mac donald's Nick told me they were at. We get inside and walk to the table the boys were at after ordering our food.

Nessa walks to Chase giving him a hug. He hugs her back. Then she hugs the other guys. We sit down. I'm inbetween Nick and Anthony. "You want me to go with you tomorrow morning?" Nick asks me. "I think I'm just gonna go with Nessa. That way we get some girltime and she can get to know Nessa again" I say. "Yes I understand" Nick says going back to his food.

When we're done eating I drive Nessa back to her house. Then get back to the boys. When I get inside I get a notification on my phone. I look what it is.

Madslewis followed you back

Madslewis sended you a message

I open it.


You're one of the girls Jaden is with right?

So you're mads


Jaden told me alot about you
And he is right you are very pretty!

Thanks girl
But look at you!


But I heared about the accident...
I'm sorry about your friend...

It's ok
She's gonna be fine


I feel bad for Chase though

Yes same
But I have to go now
It was nice talking to you!

Yes well byee



I sit down on the couch and start watching what the boys are watching. "Who were you texting?" Nick asks. "Just Mads" i wisper so only he could hear. "Why her?" He asks. "For a friend" I say. He makes a o shape with his mouth knowing who 'a friend' is. I chuckle and get back to watching the tv.

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