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Until he smashes his lips against hers. It definitely wasn't her. It was him kissing her. I could feel water forming in my eyes. I run back into the house. "Zoë!" I hear Avani yell but I don't stop. I run upstairs to look for a room so I can be alone. But i run into someone. I look up. Austin. "Zoë?? What's wrong?" He says looking at my watery eyes. I just run past him and go into a room.

I hear the door open. "Zoë? You ok?" Austin asks coming in and locking the door.

Damn I should have thought of that.

"What happend?" He asks sitting down next to me on the bed. Now thinking back to it I just start crying harder. "Hey it's ok" Austin pulls me against him comforting me. We just sit there for 5 minutes.

I stopped crying now. "H-he ki-kissed someone else" i say. "Who kissed someone else?" "Nick" i say. "You mean your boyfriend?" I just nod. "That asshole" Austin says angry standing up. "Wait where are you going?" I ask. "I'm gonna make sure he gets his karma" he says. "No wait!" I say but Austin already walked out. I run after him.

I grab his wrist. "Please don't. It will only make things worse" i say. "You don't want me to hit him?" He asks. I shake my head. "Zoë! There you are" Avani saya running up to us with Addison and Dixie. "What happend?" "Nick kissed some girl outside" "WHAT?" they all say angry. "That ass!!" Dixie says.

"Oh you guys found her. What happend?" Griffin asks putting his arms around Dixie. "Nick kissed someone" she says knowing I'm not able to say that again. "WHAT??" Anthony and him say confused. "Where is he?" Anthony asks. "Outside" i say. Him and Griffin look at each other for a second. "Lets go" they say before walking of. Austin goes after them.

The girls and I walk after them but they are alot faster. We get outside. Griffin is pulling Nick away from the girl. "Oh hey guys what are you-" Anthony hits him in the face. "What the hell was that for??" Nick screams touching the side of his face. "You have a girlfriend nick!" anthony says. "You asshole!" Avani says slapping Nick.  Anthony walks away with Avani. "Not cool men not cool" Griffin says walking away with Dixie. "Come on Zoë" Addison says walking away. "Hoped you liked it because we're over" I say before walking away. Austin walks after me.

I hear foodsteps coming towards us and before I know it Austin is on the ground. "This is all your fault! You told her didn't you?" Nick says stilling beating him up. "Nick get off of him!" I yell trying to stop him. "Anthony! Griffin!" I yell. The boys run back outside. They see what's happening and get Nick off Austin.

I help Austin up. "You ok?" I ask worried. "I've been better" "come. I'll look at those" i say talking about the bruises and wounds he has. We get inside and go to the bathroom. He sits down on the counter. I stand inbetween his legs helping him with his wounds.

"This will sting a little" i say. He groans a little. "So that was it. How do you feel?" I ask. "I'm gonna be fine. It's you who's hurt the most are you ok?" I sit down on the counter next to him.

"No I'm not. My boyfriend just cheated on me and then beated you up. While you had nothing to do with it" i look down. He grabs my chin so I look at him. "Hey I'm gonna be fine" he smiles. I smile back. "My head hurts though" he says. "You want be to bring you home?" I ask. "You're not sober we're only gonna get in trouble then" "good point. I'll ask Max if he can stop the party. I'll be back in a second" i smile at him before leaving the room.

I walk downstairs and look for Max. He's talking to Addison again. "Hey can you maybe like shut down the party. Austin just got beat up and the music is hurting his head" i say. "Beat up?? By who?" Max says angry. Addison looks shocked. "Nick. But that's already settled. Austin is upstairs in the bathroom" "ok" he walks to the little stage that was in the middle of the room. "Ok guys party is over!! Everyone go home!" He says into the microphone. We walk to the stairs. Someone grabs my wrist.

𝐕𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now