at the mall

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It's dark. We're in the car driving home. Alex is sleeping on my shoulder. She fall asleep at our spot so chase had to lift her up and put her in the car. When we get home chase gets alex and Anthony gets our stuff while I go and open the door for them. It's midnight so Jaden and Nick are already in their rooms. Probably not sleeping. I grab my stuff and walk to my room. I change into my pajamas. There is a knock on the door. 'Come in' 'hey I just wanted to see if you needed anything?' Anthony says when he opens the door. 'No but thanks' 'ok then bye oh btw the boys and I have to go early tomorrow so we won't be here for the rest of the day' 'oh ok' 'goodnight' 'night'. Anthony closes the door and I hear him walk away. I fall down on my bed and get under my blankets. I immediatly fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of music. I get up and walk out of my room to kill whoever played the music so damn loud. I see Alex dancing. She looks so happy. 'What are you so happy about?' I ask. 'goodmorning. Nothing just the fact that chade slept in my room tonight adn kissed me' she has the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face. 'Wait really?!!' 'Yes!' 'Omg!!!'. We're now both jumping and yelling. 'I'm so happy for you!' I say when we stopped jumping. 'thank you! Should we go to the mall?' 'Let me change first' 'ok'. I go back to my room and change into this》

 I go back to my room and change into this》

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Then I grabbed my stuf and walked outside. 'Ok lets go' i say. Alex and me get in the car and drive to the mall. We walk around for an hour. Then I lose her. I walk around the whole store but can't find her anywhere. Maybe she went to an other store. I grab my phone to text her while walking out of the store when I bump into someone. We both fall on the ground. 'Omg I'm so sorry' i say standing up. When I look i see i bumped into a girl. 'It's ok I wasn't looking' 'same for me' i laugh. I hold my hand out for her to help her up. When she's up I grab a few of her things. 'Wow you really passed shopping today' i laugh. 'Yes, I'm having a party tonight so needed to buy some things' she says. 'I'm Nessa by the way' 'Zoë' 'nice meeting you. You're on vacation here?' 'Yes you?' 'Yes my friends have a house here where I'm staying' 'nice' 'you're here alone?' 'Oh no I'm with my friend I just lost her' 'oh' she laughs. Then alex calls me. 'Oh well there you have her'. I take the call. 'Hey where are you?' I ask. 'I'm at victoria's secret. I tried to find you to tell but I couldn't find you anywhere' 'oh well I will come to you then stay there' 'ok'. I hang up. 'She's at victoria's secret apparently' 'oh I was just going there' 'oh well then lets go there together' 'ok'. We walk to Victoria's secret. On the way we talk a little more about the party that nessa is giving tonight and get to know each other a little bit. Then I see Alex waiting in Victoria's secret. 'Hi' 'hey' 'oh Alex this is Nessa, Nessa Alex' 'hi' 'hi'. We walk into the store and try on somethings.


'I don't really thinks it fits me. You should try it' nessa says to alex. We've been walking around for an hour together now, we even had lunch together. We became friends with Nessa. She invited us to the party so we're trying on clothes for that. I already bought my outfit. Nessa is pretty fun. She's really nice to. Then I get a text from Nick


Where are you guys?

We're at the mall

You guys eating dinner with us?
Or not?

Yes yes
We'll be home in 30 min


Bye :)


'Who was it?' Alex asks. 'Nick. He asked where we were' 'you told him we are at the mall?' 'Yes he asked if we will be home for dinner. I told him we would be there in 30 min so we should go' i say. 'Oh yes'. The three of us walk out of the mall. We say goodbye to Nessa, get in the car and drive back to the house. We walk inside and put our stuff in our rooms to walk back to the amazing smell of... pizza! I walk to the livingroom seeing the boys eating pizza infront of the tv. 'What are we watching?' I ask falling down on the couch next to Anthony. 'You' he says. 'Ooo. Can someone hand me a slice of pizza?' I ask. Jaden hands me a slice. I take a bite and watch the show with the boys for a while.


I get up to get dressed for the party. 'Where are you going?' Anthony asks. 'I'm gonna change for the party' 'party?' 'Oh I forgot to ask you guys if you wanted to come to. We met this girl in the mall and she invited us to her party. You guys wanna come to?' 'Yes!' Jaden say while jumping up. 'Come on guys this would be fun!' He says. The rest of the guys agree and we all get to our rooms to change. This is my outfit》

I grab my stuff and we get in the car

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I grab my stuff and we get in the car. We drive to the adress that Nessa gave me.

𝐕𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now