moving day one

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We go back to the livingroom to watch the movie.

"Ughh I'm tired ass hell" Addison says after the movie. It's 3:25 now. If we want to function tomorrow we should really go to bed. "Yes lets get to bed"

We walk upstairs. I show Addison and Max to their room and then get to my room with Austin. I grab some shorts and a tank top. I pull up my shirt but then remember Austin is looking at me.

"Turn around!" I say. "Sorry" he laughs turning around. I put on the shorts and top and lay down under the sheets.

"You can turn back around now" i say. He does. He pulls his shirt off and lays down next to me.

"I have a question" i say turning to him. "What is it?" He asks. "Well do you have a crush? I mean you can't have a girlfriend you never talk about a girl also I've never seen any girl around you" i say.


"Do you have a crush?" She asks me.

Yes. You. But I can't say that you still love Nick even though he hurted you. You will always love him. Plus you only see me as a friend.

"Nope" i say trying to sound convincing. "Oh well if you get one can I be the first one you tell?" She asks. That's when it happend.

I kissed her.

I know she's not gonna remember in the morning because she is drunk. I just wanted to do that since we met at the mall.

I pull away. She's blushing. "Does this mean you do have a crush?" She asked laughing. I laugh. "Lets go to sleep" i say. She nods. I close my eyes. Then i feel a head on my chest. Zoë came closer to me. She looks up and smiles. I smile back putting my arms around her.


The next morning I wake up in a pair of arms. I look up. They are Austins. I get out of his grip without waking him up. I immediatly regret getting up. My head hurts and i sit back on the bed. Me sitting back down woke Austin up. Failed mision.

"Hey you're up" he says. A delicious smell comes in my nose all of a sudden. "What's that smell?" I say. "You don't remember anything from last night do you?" Austin laughs. "We bake cookies. Well you and Addison did" "really? It smells delicious" i say before getting up again slowly this time.

I get to the bathroom and grab some ibuprofen and water. After I took the pills I go downstairs. I'm hungry af. I look in the fridge if there is something i can eat. "Should have done groceries" i say to myself. "I can get some groceries" i turn around. Max is there. "Oh goodmorning" "hungover i see" max says looking at my half asleep face. I nod. "Well I can get some groceries if you want?" Max says. "I'll go with you" Austin says when he came into the kitchen to. "Wait we all drunk last night right?" I ask. They both nod. "Then how can you 2 be so awake by now?" They both laugh. "Because we only drunk 3 cups or so you guys drunk a whole bottle" Max says. "Oh"

Max and Austin leave to get groceries. I walk up the stairs to get to my room to change real quick. I hear something in the bathroom. I go to look. Addison is looking for something. Probably ibuprofen.

"You're looking for ibuprofen?" I ask. "Yes" she groans. "It's downstairs" i laugh. "Thank you" she says walking to the stairs.

I go into my room and grab this》

I'm not planning on doing anything today but packing so I don't need a nice outfit

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I'm not planning on doing anything today but packing so I don't need a nice outfit.

I put it on and put my hair in a messy bun. "Zoë do you have some sweats for me?" Addison asks walking in. "I don't feel like wearing jeans today" "ofcourse" i walk to my closet and grab a pair of pink sweats. "Here" i throw her the sweats. "Thank you" we leave the room. Addison goes to her room to change while i go downstairs. I sit down on the couch and open my phone.

I go to snapchat to maybe find something from last night. I do. It's a little video of me giving Austin a taste of the cookiedough. I also have some videos of Addison and Max being cute. I decide to sent them to Addison.

"So where are the guys?" She asks walking down the stairs. "They are getting groceries" i say. "What are you watching?" She asks sitting down next to me looking at my phone. "Just some videos of last night. I don't remember much of this" i say. She chuckles. "Same here girl"

After a few minutes the guys came back. They said they would make breakfast so we need to stay in the livingroom. We did as was told and watched tv in the livingroom.

"Breakfast is ready!" Austin yells. "To loud" i groan. "I'm sorry" he laughs.

We sit down at the table and start eating. After breakfast me and Addison clean up while the guys start putting boxes in my car. When me and Addison finish we start grabbing boxes from upstairs. When the car is loaded i grab my keys and drive to the appartment with Austin while Max and Addison get the rest of the stuff downstairs.

When we get there Avani and Alex are already there. "Goodmorning babes" i say when I walk in the appartmen with 2 boxes. "Hi bebe" Avani says pulling me in a hug after i put down the boxes. "You came here alone?" Alex asks hugging me to. "No I have some help" i say. Then Austin walks in. Avanis mouth drops and her eyes shoot open. I roll my eyes and laugh. Alex just looked at me confused.

"Hi I'm Austin" he says holding out his hand for Alex to shake it. "Alex" she says grabbing his hand. "Hi Avani" he says before walking outside to grab some new boxes.

"You asked him to help you??" Avani asks. "Yes. Why?" I ask. "Nothing" she says. "Wait you guys both know him?? How don't I??" Alex asks. "We met him at the mall. He was one of the guys who asked us to come to the party" Avani says. "Yes and after what happend with Nick me and Addison stayed at their house and spend the next day with them" "wow now tell me why is he helping you?" "Because as you know Addison had a crush on Max. When we were packing we needed a little men power so Addison called Max. Max took Austin with him so now they are helping" "hmm" "gotta say he is pretty hot" Alex says. "I have to admit that to" Avani says. "Girls you both got a boyfriend" I say pushing them. "Yes but you don't" Alex says. "Shut up. Me and Austin are just friends and even if I liked him he would never like me back" i say. "Probably. I mean I wouldn't like you to if I was him" Alex says. "Yes me too. Like look at that beautiful face, that perfect body, you're way to sweet and your personality is good. Ew no I wouldn't like that eather" Avani jokes. I blush. "Shut up" I say walking away.

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