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It's a picture of me and Nick kissing from when we were playing spin the bottle. Someone who wasn't playing must have taken it. I start to freak out. I get up and walk downstairs to grab myself a bottle of water.

I must have woken someone up because I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn towards the entrance of the kitchen. It's Nick. He sees my stressed face.

"You saw the posts didn't you?" He asks. I nod. "Why aren't you stressed?" I ask. "I am. It's just what can we do about it? It's already posted so many times" He says.

I let my head fall and sigh. "You're right" I say sitting down on the couch in the livingroom. "Look we both know what's going on and the important people do to. So it doesn't really matter what everyone else thinks" He says sitting down next to me. I nod.

It's silent for a few seconds before I break the silence.

"How do you feel about the kiss?" I ask. I just have to know if he felt the same. It can't just be me. Right?

"To be honest I liked it. But I get it if you didn't-" "I did to" I say cutting him of. "Wait what?" He says confused. I giggle. I get up and walk towards the stairs.

"Goodnight Nick" I smile. He still has a confused look on his face but he puts it away and changes it into a smile. "Goodnight Zoë"

I walk back to the gastroom and get back to sleep.

*the next morning*

Me and Alex got back to the appartment. Vidcon is in a few days. Yes, me and Alex are also invited. In the last couple months me and Alex got a lot of followers. I'm on 700k now. Alex on 680k.

"Ughhh I can't wait to go to vidcon and meet all the people" Alex says falling on the couch. "Same same. Just 4 days" I say. "We have to go shop" Alex says sitting up. "You're right" I say. "Ok lets go"

We get in Alexs car and drive to the mall. We buy some things we need also for on the plane and stuff. We also buy some new cute outfits when we're done we get back to the appartment.

*4 days later*

Beep beep beep

My alarm goes of. I groan and shut it of. I get up and take a quick shower to wake up. I put on this outfit》

I grab my bag and put the last stuff in there

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I grab my bag and put the last stuff in there. I walk out of my room and go to the livingroom. I go on my phone and open instagram while I wait for Alex. 

"Goooodmorning guys. Today's the day. We're coming Vidcon!" I say before stopping the video and posting it on my story. 

Alex walks into the livingroom. She's talking to someone on her phone. 

"Are you talking to Chase?" I ask walking towards her. She nods. I bend so I'm in the frame. "Chase babyyyy" I say. "Zoë babyyyyy" He laughs. "You guys are weird" Alex says. "You love us though" I say. She rolls her eyes. 

𝐕𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now