last day

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*A few days later*

Alex remembers pretty much everything again except the plain ride. We took her to all the places we have been so maybe she would remember again. Ofcourse there are still little things she can't remember but that's alright. Her and Chase are still not back together though. Chase doesn't want to go to fast for her. They got alot closer though. Alex told me she could see why she had a relationship with him. I honestly think that relationship is gonna be back in a few days.

Also I texted alot with Madison the last few days. We've become friends. We planned on seeing each other when we came back from our trips.

We're going back tomorrow. I already packed a few of my things. Today we're just gonna hang by the pool. Not really do anything special. We're going out for dinner tonight though. The guys picked some fancy restaurant so guess I have to wear my fancy dress.

I'm just reading my book while the boys are in the pool. Alex is with me on the couch. She's on her phone. "Oh my god look at this one!" She says out of no where. She turns the phone towards me showing me a photo of me reading. "So you've been taking pictures of me?" "Maybe" she says before going back on her phone. I shake my head. Then Nick comes out of the water together with Chase.

"Come in the water with us!" Chase says. "Yes come on it's our last day here" Nick says. "I'm reading" I say not letting my eyes off my book. "Alex?" Chase says. "Not now" she says. He then grabs her phone puts it away and swings her over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down-" i hear her yell before I hear a splash. I hear all the boys laughing and then see Chase and Alex come up. Alex punches Chase who's laughing. I laugh. "Your turn" Nick says. "What-" i say panicked. But before I can do anything he already had me in his arms. "Nick nooo!" I yell before hitting the water. I swim back up. Then Nick jumps in causing water hitting my face again. I swim up to him and when he comes up I push him back down. He comes up. "That's your karma" I say before swimming away.

I go sit on the side of the pool with my legs in the water. Nick comes up to me and stands inbetween my legs. "I'm gonna miss this" he says. "Hawaï?" I ask. "That, and being with you 24/7" he says. Nawhh he's such a baby. It's cute though.

"It's not like you won't see me anymore" I say running my hand through his hair. "I know but still. It's gonna be different" he says. I nod. "Heyy you guys wanna play some volleyball?!" Jaden asks. "Yes!" I say getting back in the water. We make teams. Me, nick and Anthony against Chase, Alex and Jaden.

We play for like an hour until i get hungry. "You guys want some food?" I ask. "Yess" they all say. I get out of the pool and drive myself before getting inside. Alex walks after me. We make some snacks for us and the boys and get back outside. 

*a few hours later*

"Guys we should get ready to leave" I say. I get up from the seat walking inside. Alex was already in her room so I made my way there. I open the door. She's standing infront of her closet. "Hey" "oh hi" "so what are you gonna wear?" I ask sitting down on her bed. "I don't know yet. You?" She asks. "Same same" i say. "You know what you should wear?" She says. "This!" She pulls out one of my dresses. "How did it get here?" I ask. She blushes. I laugh. "That's actually a pretty good idea. You should wear something matchie" i say before heading to her bathroom to change.

My dress》

Alexs dress》

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Alexs dress》

I get out of the bathroom

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I get out of the bathroom. "Damn girl you look goooodd" Alex says. I spin around showing her the back. "You two. Now lets go drive the boys crazy" i say. We laugh and walk out of the room. The boys are watching tv so didn't notice us. "You guys ready?" I ask. "Yes we're re-" Nick mouths drop. "Jezus" i hear Anthony say. They are all looking us up and down. Me and Alex laugh. "Now come one" Alex says. We turn around walking towards the door. We hear the boys get up and walk after us.

After a while they bring us our food. We take some pictures before eating it. It was hot anyways so...

After our dinner we get back to the house we decide to all go into my room. Because that one was the biggest and just have a movie night.

Nickaustin: last night

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Nickaustin: last night... 🤧💔
Tagged: @lilhuddy @zoëadams @alexfrench @luvanthony @jadenhossler

Jadenhossler: damnn this is sad...

Luvanthony: this was the best vacation ever!
-nickaustin: for sure!

Zoëadams: I'm gonna miss this 😔
-nickaustin: 😔💕

Alexfrench: sucks even more that I don't remember everything...
-nickaustin: yes... you really missed something

Lilhuddy: I'm glad we got to meet these 2 beautiful girls
-nickaustin: same

User3: omg this is the saddest!😭

User3: omg this is the saddest!😭---------

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Zoëadams: gonna miss these goofs... 😔🥀
Tagged: @luvanthony @Jadenhossler @lilhuddy @nickaustin @alexfrench

Luvanthony: gonna miss you two girll🤧
-Zoëadams: 🤧😔

Jadenhossler: you still have to tell me all the tea when we leave!
-zoëadams: ofcourse!

Lilhuddy: thanks for helping her!
-zoëadams: ofcourse she is my best friend!

Nickaustin: I'm gonna miss you so much beautiful girl!😭😔
-zoëadams: we'll see each other soon!

Alexfrench: thank god I'll still see you everyday
-zoëadams: yes yes!

User7: they are so goals!

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