i love you

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I wake up next to Nick.

Damn after today it's going to be a while until I see him again. I'm gonna miss him so much.

I grab my phone to see what time it is. 8:45. Good we got some time. I lay closer to him just looking at the ceiling think of all the good memories I made this past 3 weeks.

15 minutes later my alarm goes of. Nick groans. I snicker. I shut down the alarm. "Goodmorning baby" I say leaning on my arms. "Hey beautiful" he says smiling at me. "Today is the day..." i say. "Ughhhh don't even start about it" He says. I smile. I get up and change into some leggings and one of Nicks shirts. Then I remember. This is the last day. He would probably want this. I get out of it and hand it to him.

"Keep it" he says. "Now you can never forget about me" "you know I would never!" I say smiling and putting the shirt back on. I go to the kitchen while Nick starts packing. I grab all the stuff we have left and put them on the table.

"Breakfast!" I yell when I'm done. They all get out of their rooms and sit down. All our faces are pretty sad. Last day you know.

I'm cleaning when I hear a knock on the frontdoor. I go to open it. Nessa and Josh. "Hey we heared from Jaden that we all got the same plane so we thought we would come over so we can go to the airport all together" Nessa says. I smile and make room for them to walk in.

I get back to cleaning up the last things before heading to my bedroom to pack my last things. I brush my hair and teeth and then put my toiletbag in my suitcase. That was my last thing. I grab my matching bracelet and put it around my arm before looking around the room one more time to see if we forgot something.

I walk out of the room. Everyone is already waiting. They put on a little smile when I walk out but you can see it's definitely forced. I let go of my suitcase and walk up to them. Pulling them all in a grouphug.

After we checked in Nessa, Alex and I go sit while the boys grab us something to drink. "Lets make a tiktok" Nessa says. "Ok" she makes a little transition thingie. She has been doing that all morning now. Then she puts that in her drafts, chooses another song and puts the phone infront of us. "Which one is it?" Alex asks. "Say so". The music starts and when we want to make the first move this random song comes in. Me and Alex look at Nessa confused. Nessa just starts laughing.

She grabs her phone and we sit back down. "That looks so funny" she says still laughing. Me and Alex look. It does look pretty funny. Me and Alex start laughing with her.

"You girls having fun?" Josh says while sitting down next to Nessa. We nod. "Here baby" Nick hands me my drink before sitting down next to me. "Thanks babe". Jaden, Anthony and Chase sit infront of us. Chase handed Alex her drink before sitting down.

Then Alex stands up. I look at her confused. She walks towards Chase and sits down next to him laying her head on his shoulder. A big smile appears on Chases face. I snicker and put my head on Nicks shoulder. He puts his arm around me and kisses my head.

After a while we get to board. "Zoë come on" Nick says standing up. I shake my head. "What do you mean no?" "A kiss first" i say shappping my lips in a kiss way. "Omg you're such a baby" he playfully rolls his eyes before kissing me. "You like me tho" i say smiling and standing up. "That's not true". I look at him confused and a little sad. "I love you baby" he says. My mouth drops. "I love you to" i say after a few seconds. He smiles before kissing me again. "Now come one before the plane leaves without us" he snickers.

We get on the plane. When I see Alex i run up to her making sure there is enough room between me and Nick for him not to hear me. "He said I love you" i say smiling like crazy. "What??" Chase and Alex say at the same time. "He told me he loved me" "oh my god!" Alex says before hugging me. "I'm so happy for you" Chase says. He pulls me in for a hug to. We all sit down. 

Alex, Chase, Nick and I are in a row. Behind us are Nessa, Josh, Anthony and Jaden. I put my head on Nicks shoulder and fall asleep.

I wake up to the smell of food. I groan strerching a little. "Hey, I got you the pancakes. Thought you would like those" nick says when he noticed me waking up. "Thanks" i smile and give him a quick kiss before eating my pancakes.

After a few hours the plane landed. We get up and grab our stuff before walking out. We go to the place where we can grab our suitcases. This is where we have to say goodbye.

I feel tears coming up. Nick turns to me. "Baby, don't cry. We are gonna see each other soon!" He says wrapping his arms around me. "I know" i say tears running down right now.

When I stopped crying Nick kissed me. I go up to Jaden to hug him. "I'll get you your girl" I say. He laughs. "I'm gonna miss you shortie" he says. I walk to Chase. "See you soon bestfriend" he says hugging me.

I then go to Anthony. His head faces the ground. This is gonna be one of the hardest. I mean I really love Nick but some where in this trip I had feelings for Anthony. I know he had feelings for me too. I just don't know if they're still there. I hug him. "Goodbye sunshine" he says kissing my head. I look up at him and smile.

I then go over to Nick again giving him one last kiss. I look for Alex. She's standing with Chase talking and then... they kiss!! "Finally" I say. Nick laughs.

They get in their car and drive of. Me amd Alex walk over to Josh and Nessa. "See you soon girll" i say huggin Nessa. Alex joins the hug. "Come on Josh. You know you want to" I say. Josh laughs before joining our hug. They get in their car and also drive away.

Me and Alex get to her car and put everything in before driving back home.

Zoëadams: i love you <3🥺Tagged: @nickaustin

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Zoëadams: i love you <3🥺
Tagged: @nickaustin

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