Jaden Hossler

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We've been driving around for almost an hour. It's been pretty fun. We've listened to some tunes but haven't really found a pot yet. I mean we saw some nice places but it was just not really it. 

"Wait stop" Anthony says out of nowhere. Jaden stops the car. "What's wrong?" I ask. "There is nothing wrong I just saw a spot" Anthony says. "Really where?" Jaden asks. "That street" He points behind us. 

Jaden drives back and drives into the street. There are only a few houses in the front of the street. We drive all the way to the end of the street. There is no house, a few trees and this one big one in the middle. We get out of the car. 

"Wow this is perfect" Jaden says walking past the trees. There is this open space. It's downhill though so it is pretty dangerous. 

"Anthony you have to- Anthony?" I look around but I can't see him anywhere. "Up here" I hear him say. I look up and there he is in the tree. "You guys have to come up here the view is perfect" Anthony says. Jaden and I climb up. 

He was right the view was perfect from here. You could see the city from here. 

"This is it" Anthony says. "It's perfect!" I say hyped. 

I get back down the tree and walk to the other side. I haven't looked here yet. There is this old little shed. I walk towards it and open the door. There are a few seats that are really dirty and some other stuff. 

"Guys come here" I yell. A few seconds later the boys walk in to the shed. They look around. 

"You think someone uses them?" Jaden asks. "Well obviously it's been a while I say pointing at the spider webs that are everywhere. 

"We should clean this out and make this the spot" I say. "It has a good view, there aren't any houses. Plus it's close to the sway" "It's pretty cool" Jaden says. "What do you think?" We look at Anthony. "It's cool. Maybe even better" He says. Me and Jaden high fived. 

After a few more minutes of exploring we get back to the car and drive to the house to see if we have some stuff we can use to clean it up. We didn't really find much. It's a house full of boys, what did I expect? 

We go to the shop and buy the rest of the stuff we think we need. We drive back to the house since it's pretty late and we're hungry. We leave the stuff in the car so we can use it tomorrow. 

"So I should head back to the appartment" I say when we're done eating. "I'll let you out" Jaden says. 

We walk to the front door after I said bye to the others. I walk outside and say bye to Jaden before he pulls me back and puts his arms around me. He hugs me pretty thight. Like there is something going on. 

"You okay Jaden?" I ask. He nods. "Thanks for today. I had fun" He says letting go of me. "Me too" I smile at him before walking to my car with Zeus. He waves at me and then goes back inside.

When I get to the appartment Zeus runs towards the kitchen. I give him his food and then walk to the livingroom. Alex and Chase are on the couch, cuddled up, watching a movie. 

"Hey guys" I say. "Hey how was it? Why did Jaden need you?" Alex asks turning to me. "There was something wrong with Anthony but it's all good now. Although Jaden acted weird when I wanted to leave. "What do you mean?" Chase asks now facing me to. "I don't know. It seemed like he was upset about something" I say. "Oh" Chase says turning back to the movie.

"You know what it's about don't you?" Alex asks Chase. Chase just shakes his head. "You're a shitty liar" Alex says. "Chase if you know something please tell us" I say. He sighs not looking at me or Alex. 

𝐕𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now