Chapter 9

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Corey was sleeping with his back against the wall and his head propped to one side.

He looked uncomfortable but he needed sleep and that was the best position he could get in.

Panuleon watched him with sorrow filled eyes. His chest throbbed with pain as his limbs were beginning to ache.

He needed so desperately to touch his soulmates skin and to feel his warmth.

He wondered why the demons were doing this to them. But he knew they'd be keeping them apart to see how long they'll last until it became too unbearable.

It was so hard to keep in the cries and the emotion. He was so sad but very good at hiding it. He had to stay strong for Corey.

Just then, the door burst open, instantly waking up his soulmate.

Corey looked around in a panic but quickly remembered where he was.

They both turned to see two demons walking in, carrying two people.

Corey looked towards his soulmate as they thought the same thing. Was this the other couple?

They continued to watch as the Demon rested Oliver next to Corey and started handcuffing his wrists and connecting them to chains on the wall.

Vinny was rested next to Panuleon as the same was done to him.

They were both still unconscious and would be for a good few hours.

The Demons didn't say anything or looked at anyone as they casually walked out, slamming the door behind them.

Corey looked up to Oliver, he was out cold.

"Do you think this is them?" He asked Panuleon who was inspecting Vinny.

"Yes, he's a vampire," Panuleon said.

Corey took his gaze to Vinny.

He had no idea that Vampires did exist until a few weeks ago when Panuleon opened up about the two worlds and the war.

"I can't believe Vampires are real," He said, wondering if the fantasies were true about them having fangs, drinking people's blood, hating sunlight and garlic.

"Is he a Vampire?" Corey asked, referring to Oliver.

"No, he's human. Like you" Panuleon was feeling quite fearful, now that these boys were here.

What was going to happen now that the demons had their prize possessions?

Panuleon did feel like he was just an object in the eyes of those hell-hounds. To them, they weren't living people with feelings, they were dummies and a white canvas for them to splash their experiments on.

"Corey" Panuleon said gently. "I know it's uncomfortable but try to get more sleep."

He looked exhausted.

Corey nodded and brought a hand up to rub his eyes, only to flinch at the pain from when the demon stamped on it.

His knuckles were badly bruising and it hurt for him to bend his fingers.

He was worried for the person sitting next to him. If he's human, he'll most likely get hurt too.

"Night" He sighed, not wanting time to continue.

He knew when these boys wake up, it'll either be more chaos or more waiting.

But for what?

* * * * *

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