Chapter 39

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After Madison had told family and friends about the news that she was going to be a grandmother and her child would be a father, a lot of people were not that surprised.

They figured that because they were the first couple to share their complete souls, something like a male pregnancy was only to be expected.

But some people were incredibly shocked and couldn't believe the news. These were the people that stayed on the phone for about half an hour, asking many, many questions.

Poor Madison was extremely tired by the time she got off the phone, but people then started turning up to congratulate the boys and to meet Corey and Panuleon.

They grew to be hot topics within the Vampire community as they were from another world.

Jasper, Madisons dad spent one whole day talking to them about everything he could possibly ask until Sorina had to drag him home.

Of course, the attention didn't go to their heads as they often took little days out together and spent time travelling to quiet and calm places.

Vinny and Oliver often went with them as Jed practised flying with two people.

The public went crazy after Duke announced that Oliver (their favourite) and Corey (The cute small one) were pregnant.

Mainly all of it was extremely positive as the news reporters psyched it up as very exciting news.

There was the odd person that would tell their nasty opinions and post them on the internet but they were quickly shot down by the many, many supporters of the Vanderwood family.

They thought it was very sweet that two same-sex couples were given the opportunity to have their very own children and they were eager to see what the babies looked like and what gender they were.

* * * * *

1 month and two weeks later.

Oliver was sitting in the library with his feet dangling over the side of the chair.

He was reading a book but not for his pleasure, he was reading it to the baby.

Aliyah has told him that the baby can hear him and it's helpful for him to read and talk to it so it recognises his voice after birth.

He can definitely feel his baby moving now and he's really enjoying how it reacts to sounds. There's no big kicks or anything like that yet but it feels like the baby is doing somersaults in his stomach.

His bump is very noticeable and there's no hiding it now.

His normal clothes don't fit anymore and he switched to the maternity clothes a few weeks ago so he could get used to wearing them.

For him, things are real.

He's having a baby and that's all he focuses on.

Now that he can feel his growing child it became a lot more believable and the bump is very good proof.

Aliyah said that she knows the sex of the baby but he and Vinny don't want to know until the due date.

The good thing about having her around is that she simply touches Oliver's stomach and she can feel everything about the baby.

The bad news is that they get no picture scan of the baby.

But to know that it's healthy is all they really need.

Oliver almost fainted when he was told that the baby would immediately age like him and Vinny. That means they'll be looking after a new born baby for one thousand years.

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