Chapter 25

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After Oliver had some food, he was beginning to regain his strengths.

All they were waiting for was Zachariah and then they could finally start the journey back home.

Vinny and Oliver couldn't wait to be surrounded by familiar faces. They couldn't wait to embrace the calming atmosphere of the mansion and just do stupid and random things together.

"I can't wait to get a shower" Vinny mumbled.

Oliver studied his face. It was clear that they both haven't shaved for a while and their clothes were grubby and a little dirty.

"Me too," Oliver said as he looked up at Corey. He looked the same as them but Panuleon looked very clean and fresh.

He couldn't be bothered to ask how he was like that so he turned back to his soulmate.

But before he could say anything, there was a bright creamy glow and Zachariah landed in the middle of the room.

Although, he wasn't empty handed.

There was a woman holding onto him. She had long dark hair with normal clothes on.

She turned and smiled at everyone in the room but when her eyes caught sight of Corey, it was like a firework exploded in her head.

"Corey!" She screeched and ran over to him.

Corey's eyebrows raised but he didn't even have time to get up before she engulfed him into a huge hug.

Panuleon smiled at this but saw the surprise on Vinny and Oliver's faces.

Well... Vinny didn't really show much emotion, he just assumed he would be feeling that way.

"This is Zachariah's soulmate. She's also Corey's auntie" He whispered, making them both nod.

That would explain why she was so excited to see him.

"I'm so, so glad you're okay" She muffled into the side of his neck.

Corey hugged her back as Panuleon didn't even attempt to unpeel her from his soulmate, he knew he'd be next.

"We're fine" Corey smiled before she pulled away.

She then turned to Panuleon and engulfed him into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're both okay."

Panuleon hugged back. He has become used to her enthusiastic hugs over the years.

She then pulled away and grabbed both of their cheeks.

"I was worrying out of my mind," She said. "But I knew you'd look after each other."

Corey and Panuleon caught each others gaze and smiled warmly.

She then saw Vinny and Oliver, sitting only a meter away.

She looked at Vinny and guessed he was the Vampire, judging by his clothes.

"Wow, I never thought I'd ever meet a vampire," She said with a grin and edged forwards but Vinny leant away.

He definitely did not want a hug.

"Not the hugging type?" She chuckled.

He simply stared at her but she was oblivious to his anti-social ways.

"Anyway, it's lovely to meet you," She said and held out her hand. Vinny was hesitant but shook it. Even that was enthusiastic. "I'm Jenny, what's your name?"

"Vinny" He mumbled as Oliver smiled at his soulmates cagey behaviour.

She then looked at Oliver who introduced himself.

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