Chapter 42

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1 Month later.

As Oliver woke up for the fifth time that night, he was surprised to see that it was now morning.

he was laid on his side as that was the only sort of comfortable position he could find.

he wasn't facing his soulmate but he could feel he was next to him.

Vinny was awake, as usual. he was also dressed and sitting with a book in his hand, but it was a book that Madison gave him about pregnant people.

He kept getting more and more concerned when Oliver's back started hurting and he sometimes got out of breath. But it was all normal for Oliver to experience this, he just didn't know It.

But since he has been reading this book, he does have a better understanding and stopped asking Aliyah so many questions.

Vinny then saw Oliver's hand move up to his tired eyes. He smiled, feeling happy that he was awake.

"Morning," They both said together.

"I said that first" Vinny said and Oliver could tell by the tone of his voice that he was smiling.

"No, you did not" He mumbled but couldn't be bothered to move. It was so much effort, especially in the mornings.

Vinny watched him for a little longer before he put his book down.

"How're you feeling?" He asked while moving in close and hugging him.

Oliver felt him rest a hand on his big bump as he started kissing his neck.

Vinny rubbed gently on Oliver's swollen belly, knowing he liked the massage.

"Good thanks," He said and closed his eyes again. "How're you doing?"

"Great," Vinny said softly. He rested his head on Oliver's soft hair.

"Is it because I'm awake?" Oliver mumbled. Even when he's tired he can still find the sarcasm from somewhere.

Vinny silently rolled his eyes but he was amused.

"Yes," He simply sighed, enjoying the slight movements of his baby.

Oliver then rolled over onto his back so he could see Vinny's beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

He lifted a hand and rested it gently on the vampire's cheek.

"If the baby looks anything like you, it's soulmate will be so lucky."

Vinny cherished the feel of Oliver's thumb rubbing up and down his cheek.

"If it doesn't have your eyes, I'm abandoning it."

Oliver's eyebrows raised before he burst into laughter.

"Vinny, you can't say that!" He laughed.

"I'm joking, of course," Vinny grinned. He would love the baby no matter what it looked like and they both knew that.

"You're such a loser" Oliver muttered before yawning.

Vinny shook his head but leaned in for a kiss which Oliver gratefully took.

Vinny kissed him with passion and love but Oliver was in a playful mood and pushed him away.

"What're we doing today?" He asked, knowing that Vinny was coming back in for another kiss.

"Shopping," He said before pressing his lips to his. "For the baby."

"Was that Madison's idea?" He asked.

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