Chapter 21

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Vinny was staring into space and Oliver was staring at him.

Panuleon and Corey were sitting at the end of the bed, talking about what commitments of having a child would include.

As Jed predicted, they were excited. But also nervous. They thought they would never get the chance to be parents. They couldn't adopt as nobody could know about their long lifeline.

But now, they've been given this wonderful gift and was going to treasure every moment.

Vinny, on the other hand, was finding it harder to accept.

Having children is something neither of them has thought about. Yes, they're twenty but still relatively young. They did have an opportunity to adopt as they could turn the child into a Vampire so it shares their lifeline.

But they now have a magnificent chance to have a child of their own flesh and blood.

That was exciting but also very, very scary.

It felt like it was happening too quickly.

"How are we going to tell our parents?" He then asked.

Oliver raised his eyebrows as he remembered that this was something they could definitely not hide from them.

"We'll get Jed to do it," He said.

"No," Jed said without even looking up from what he was doing.

Oliver chuckled as Vinny almost cracked a smile.

"I don't know how they'll react."

Oliver could see the slight concern in his eyes so he moved over and sank into his side.

"It doesn't matter what they think. It's not like we can help it. We didn't choose this."

Vinny put an arm around his shoulder and planted a kiss onto his temple.

"I know but my mums going to freak out."

Oliver smiled at the thought. Madison will be so excited... he hoped.

He ran a hand through his hair.

"Vinny," He said but his Vampire was already staring at him. "I don't think I'm ready."

Vinny leant his head forwards and rested it against Oliver's.

"Me neither" He whispered. "It's a huge responsibility, but we'll get through it. We have to."

They then pulled each other into a tight embrace, cherishing the comfort.

After Oliver asked Aliyah how a male would give birth, he and Corey asked so many questions. Like how did they get pregnant at the same time?

It turned out that Oliver was almost seven weeks pregnant and Corey was just over six.

They didn't know how Aliyah could know that, but she was a midwife in heaven so it was best not to question it.

That made Oliver realise that his morning sickness and overall queasy feelings would start coming. He was not looking forwards to that.

Corey would also have to accept the morning sickness instead of letting Panuleon heal him as morning sickness was only helping the baby to stay healthy by getting rid of any harmful toxins in the body.

But at least he had someone who was going through the same thing.

Apparently having a c-section was the best thing for when they give birth. How else was it supposed to come out? Surely not the back.

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