Chapter 34

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The next morning, Vinny woke up to feel very refreshed and well rested.

Sleeping in his own bed never felt so good, especially with Oliver curled into his side.

It was nice to immediately see a familiar room and he was just so happy to be home.

He woke about two hours ago and now he was sitting in bed, reading a book and gently tracing his fingers along Oliver's shoulder.

He could hear the rain pattering against the big windows and he knew it would be another day to relax and show Corey and Panuleon around the mansion.

Just then, Oliver moved his head.

Vinny looked down when his soulmate lightly stretched and his eyes slowly flickered open.

"Good morning," He said softly before running a gentle hand through his hair.

Oliver quietly groaned and buried his face into Vinny's chest.

Yes, it was lovely to wake up in his own comfortable bed but he felt very sick this morning.

Vinny put his book down and stared at him for a moment. He could feel that he wasn't quite right.

Oliver felt queasy, still tired as he's not a morning person, and sick.

"Do I have to get up?" He asked, wondering if they had anything planned.

"No of course not," Vinny said before rubbing his back. "You can stay in bed all day if you want to."

Oliver liked the sound of that but he guessed he'd feel like this for only a few more hours.

He had no idea what morning sickness was supposed to be like. But it'll be different for everyone.

His mouth then began to feel watery and he knew what was coming.

Slowly, he rolled over and onto his back. He laid there for a minute or two, wondering if it would pass but the need to be sick was very real.

Vinny watched with concern as Oliver clambered out of bed and quickly made his way to the bathroom.

He was sick only seconds later, which hurt his heart. Just the thought of Oliver witnessing discomfort was too much.

He climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

he quickly walked up to his soulmate who was kneeling over the toilet.

"Don't hold it back, just let it all out" He soothed while rubbing his back and pulling some toilet paper off for him to wipe his mouth with.

Oliver was sick one more time before he felt okay enough to brush his teeth.

Vinny followed him to the sink and wrapped his arms around his waist. He pushed his chest into his back and cuddled into him.

Oliver felt himself relax into Vinny's body while he brushed his teeth. He watched him in the mirror as he rested his chin on his shoulder.

They both knew that this was the first real sign of the pregnancy. This was his first real symptom.

When he was done, he turned and rested his forehead against Vinny's.

"I feel a little better" He mumbled.

"Good" Vinny smiled as he leant his face in closer and kissed him.

Oliver kissed back, loving the feel of his affection rushing through his chest.

It was gentle at first but Vinny then found himself pulling it deeper.

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