Chapter 16

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Zachariah looked around and Corey was nowhere in sight.

His heart was pumping fast, he promised that he'd come back for him and now he has been taken?

Or did he get himself out?

He didn't believe that; the demons must have captured him.

He then closed his eyes and in a flash, he vanished.

Only to land in the corridor opposite so he could breathe in some fresh air.

He let out the breath he was holding as he was thankful this corridor was empty too.

He looked around while his mind raced over everything he could do to find the human. He can't go back to Panuleon empty handed.

He just couldn't do that to him.

So he listened.

He deepened his mind and breathed in and out very calmly. He let his mind drift and the noises around him become more vibrant and sharp.

He could hear talking of several demons but nothing was familiar.

He could hear footsteps and coughing. Even birds from outside were starting to ring in his ears, but he continued to listen, hoping that somehow he could hear Corey.

He could now hear people's breathing as his mind travelled into a meditating state.

He was so calm that all he could concentrate on was sounds.

But he still couldn't pick up anything familiar.

The concrete walls didn't block out much for the angels impeccable hearing abilities, but it was frustrating that so many people were talking at the same time.

But suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.

Although, it wasn't Corey's.

He tuned in on that and focused on what they were saying.

"Where did the angels take them?" A soft female voice asked.

All Zachariah could then hear was whimpers and sobs of sorrow.

That was Corey.

He immediately opened his eyes and shined his wings. He could hear what direction it was in and hoped that he landed in the right room.

* * * * *

"I miss him so much" John mumbled as he stared at his lunch. "I miss them both so much."

Duke and Madison rubbed their tired eyes as they watched him.

"We all do," Duke said with a sigh.

"I just want to know if they're okay," Madison said as the lump in her throat came back once more.

"I'm sure when the angels get to them, they'll send someone to tell us that they're safe."

Duke knew that was wishful thinking but he was saying anything to stop his wife from crying.

It was bad enough that he didn't know if his son was alive or not, let alone having a soulmate who is extremely upset.

He rubbed his wife's back and tried giving her a smile.

That felt strange. He hasn't smiled in days.

John rubbed his tired eyes and took his gaze out the window.

His son wasn't even in the same world.

How was his mind supposed to let him sleep when all he can do is worry?

* * * * *

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