Chapter 43

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1 month later.

"What's it like being pregnant?" John asked Oliver.

He was sitting next to Duke and Madison on the couch as Oliver sat opposite them. Corey and Panuleon were in the bedroom because Corey was taking a nap.

Vinny was busy painting the nursery a pastel peach colour. They figured if they didn't know the gender until the baby was born then that colour suits any gender.

"heavy" Oliver replied.

His bump was really big now and as the end was in sight, he was feeling overall really tired.

But he was still excited.

Aliyah said that because his body is not supposed to go through this, it's rejecting the process a little bit and making it harder for him to get through it.

Therefore, he and Corey are struggling more than what most people do at this stage.

"Does your skin not hurt with it being stretched like that?" John asked.

"No, not really. It itches but Vinny puts cream on it every morning so I've been lucky to almost avoid the stretch marks" Oliver smiled while rubbing his bump. It feels a little swollen and rubbing it helps relieve the gentle pain.

"Vinny's so sweet" Madison smiled.

He has really looked after Oliver throughout this process.

"You're both going to make amazing fathers" John smiled, remembering how happy he was when Oliver was born. He would hold him and treasure his newborn baby like it was the most precious thing on earth.

"Thanks" Oliver beamed. He could use all the compliments he could get as he was getting a little nervous to meet his little one.

He wondered whether he'd be a good parent or not but this is a huge learning curve for him and he'll get better with more practice.

Just then, Vinny entered the dining room.

He didn't have his waistcoat on and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. But he had paint on his black clothing, a lot of it on his arms and some even in his hair.

Oliver watched as he came over.

"Don't sit on the couch with-"

Vinny ignored his mum and sat as close as he could get to his soulmate.

He planted a kiss on his lips and put an arm on the back of the couch, behind him.

"You've got paint on you," Oliver said, trying to keep back a grin.

Vinny stared at him, unamused.

"Panuleon isn't very good at keeping the paint on the brush," He said.

Everyone chuckled at this but it was probably the angels first time at painting a room.

But Panuleon was very apologetic every time a bit dropped on Vinny. Although the vampire didn't mind because he appreciated the help. They still had their baby's room to paint yet.

"I can tell," Oliver said as he flicked the front of Vinny's hair that was dry and stiff from the blob of paint.

"I'm going to help him paint their room when Corey wakes up," Vinny said. "I hope you don't mind."

He has been busy today but comes back every hour or so to show Oliver some love.

"Of course, I don't mind" Oliver smiled. Yes, he would love to lie with Vinny all day and talk about random and stupid things but stuff needed to be done. They could relax together later.

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