Chapter 11

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"It has almost snapped," Vinny said quietly.

He and the Angel had spent the past few hours pulling at his chains.

Oliver and Corey were sleeping. Vinny wasn't feeling tired yet but he was thirsty. although the jug of water was next to his soulmate, it was just too far to pass over.

The plan was for Panuleon to pull one arm free and focus on getting the metal off from his wrist, then he would be strong enough to pull Vinny's chains off and they could start fighting their way out.

"I'd say we have around an hour until it breaks," Panuleon said. He couldn't wait to get his hands on that demon and neither could Vinny.

Just her presence annoys him.

As they continued to pull and weaken the screws, the angels were on their way.

* * * * *

Madison was staring into space.

Yesterday, her son and his soulmate were taken by sinister people and forced to another world. She had no idea if they were okay and if they were getting enough food, enough sleep or even allowed to be with each other.

Just the thought of her son being away from Oliver and seeing how traumatised he would be sent shivers down her spine.

It was enough to make a lump form in her throat.

She has cried several times already and the angels still hadn't got to them.

They set off last night in hope of making it through the other world. All they had to do was find the tear in the fabric between the two worlds.

They didn't know how the demons had managed it but they would get them to close it up as soon as they were under their command.

Jed and Zachariah were working together to find the tear and they were getting close.

They knew they couldn't leave the boys in the demons hands for much longer. It's becoming more and more dangerous for them with every passing hour.

* * * * *

Oliver blinked back the sleep as he just started to wake up.

The first thing he felt was the terrible pulling sensation on his chest. It ached and was very painful. It almost made it hard to breathe but that was mostly psychological.

He was glad that he could see his soulmate, but the more time they spent apart, the more pain they were in.

He was about to stretch when he felt something against his arm.

He looked down to see Corey, sleeping with his head resting against him.

He didn't mind, he knew his arm was comfier than the concrete wall.

He looked over to Panuleon who looked grateful that Corey was able to get just a little bit of comfort.

Vinny didn't care either, he just wanted to get Panuleon's wrist free from the chains.

He made eye contact with Oliver, which made his heart beat faster. He wanted to reach out and touch his soft hair. He wanted to feel his warmth and smell his familiar scent.

But he couldn't and it felt like his heart was breaking.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, seeing the dark circles begin to form around his eyes.

"I'm feelings okay," Oliver said with a little smile. It could be worse, he could be in a different room. "How're you doing?"

"Good" Vinny said with a gentle nod. But he was far from good. He was thirsty, hungry, now tired and he was suffering serious heartache.

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