Chapter 38

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"I feel sick," Oliver said as he shifted from one foot to the other.

"You're not going to be sick are you?" Vinny questioned. After going through morning sickness with him, he can never be sure.

"No, I'm just nervous," Oliver said as he pulled on his t-shirt. He wished he didn't take his jumper off again because he knew when the staff are told they'll immediately look at his stomach and his bump was kind of noticeable.

Panuleon could detect that he was uncomfortable and pulled off his own hoody.

He never used to wear one because he doesn't feel the cold but Corey thought it would be nice for him to expand his angel wardrobe, even if it was with just one thing.

"Here," He said and held it out.

"Thank you Panuleon" Oliver smiled with gratitude as he took it and put it on.

Vinny looked grateful, he didn't like it when Oliver felt self-conscious.

If the public shows a positive reaction to this, then he'll feel fine about himself but nobody knows what their reaction will be.

Duke was going to change parts of the story so the public had a better understanding as to why two males were pregnant. He can't tell them that another demon war is coming. He'll have to improvise and the boys knew not to correct him if he just lied completely.

"Are you ready?" Madison asked before linking arms with Duke. They were all hovering outside the kitchen.

The boys nodded.

Even Panuleon and Corey were nervous.

Duke took a breath before entering the kitchen.

He had called for a full staff meeting so all the kitchen staff, waiters and waitresses, butlers and maids were waiting patiently in the now crowded kitchen.

The staff glanced at Panuleon, they were still getting used to seeing an angel and a lot of them got very nervous about seeing someone so unique.

They never imagined that angels actually existed but the stereotype for them is true, Angels are very beautiful people so a lot of the girls tried flirting with him at first.

Corey found that hilarious as Panuleon got all red faced and didn't fully understand.

But it got rather annoying after a while. Corey isn't a jealous person but they were clearly making his angel uncomfortable so Vinny stepped in and told the staff off.

And of course, that held them back for a while.

A lot of the girls really fancy Vinny but they're way too scared or intimidated to show it.

But why would they? He has a soulmate and so does Panuleon.

"Afternoon everyone" Duke smiled, regaining their attention. "Okay, so we have some very big news for you all."

The staff glanced at each other. Their immediate thoughts were that they were going to throw a party.

"So, this may be quite a shock and trust me when I say this, it has taken us a lot of time to get used to it" Duke glanced at his wife who gave him a smile of encouragement. "So, as you all know, the boys bonds are the strongest in the world and that comes with a great power. Now, this power is so strong and so unique that it can make impossible things turn possible."

He stopped to make sure everyone understood what he was saying.

"So, what I'm trying to say is, the power has given the boys a very incredible opportunity. And that is to produce their own children."

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