Chapter 28

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When Vinny opened the door to the dining room, he stepped out with Oliver holding tightly onto his hand.

The corridor was empty as it was only seven in the morning and the staff hadn't arrived yet.

"Wow," Corey said as he looked left and right down the different passageways.

The hallways were just as grand as the dining room, with high ceilings, marble floors with a rug that followed the corridor. There were ornaments and huge paintings all over the walls. Chandeliers followed the hallways too.

"This is seriously your home?"

Vinny and Oliver nodded. It was amusing to them for someone who had never been here to be shown around.

"It's fit for the queen" Corey chuckled. But it truly was.

"Queen?" Oliver questioned as he gave him an unusual look.

"You've never heard of a queen?" Corey asked as they walked through the corridor.

"No" Oliver shrugged.

But in this world, no vampire had higher authority than the other. All Vampires were equal, they just have the higher authority over humans. So there were no such thing as kings or queens.

"That is so strange" Corey chuckled.

Clearly, there was much more for him to learn about this world.

"What is a queen?" Oliver asked as they headed up the stairs.

As they started talking, Panuleon looked around.

He had already lost his sense of direction but he could fly into the dining room, now that he knows what it looks like.

"Your home is incredible," He said to Vinny.

Vinny has lived here for so long, he sometimes takes it for granted.

"Thank you" He replied as he found himself noticing the things he would usually ignore.

"The queen of England" Oliver repeated after Corey had told him what one was. "This is England, but we have no queen."

Corey nodded.

"What city are we in?" He asked.

"The Vanderwood city."

"Oh, you call it by what family owns it?"

"Yes, what was your city called that you used to live in?" Oliver asked.

"London," Corey replied.

"That's a strange name for a city" Oliver chuckled.

"No, it's not" Corey also chuckled.

Panuleon smiled.

Hearing his soulmate laugh never failed to brighten his heart.

"Wait, is that you and Vinny?" Corey questioned as they stopped walking.

Everyone looked towards a painting of Vinny and Oliver.

For many years, it was just Vinny and he always hated it, but when a new one was painted with the both of them, he couldn't help but feel proud every time he saw it.

"Yes," Oliver said as he looked at Vinny with a grin.

Vinny rolled his eyes and carried on walking down the corridor. The bedroom was only down the hall.

Panuleon watched as he opened a big wooden door and disappeared inside.

"He's desperate to change" Oliver chuckled as he also followed his soulmate.

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