Chapter 32

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Corey and Panuleon had just been shown to their new room.

It was on the same corridor as Vinny and Oliver's but at the other end.

Jed had left them to it as he stood at his usual post in the corridor. If felt good for him to be doing his normal duties in a place that's so familiar to him.

Vinny and Oliver were having some time to themselves in the bedroom.

Everyone just wanted to relax.

"Do you think the bed is big enough?" Corey grinned as he sat on the edge. It was big enough for at least six people and even then, they'd have a lot of room to sleep. And it's not like he takes up a lot of space.

Panuleon smiled as he looked around the huge bedroom.

It was the same layout as Vinny and Oliver's except, it was brighter with the woodwork and the paint.

"I can't believe anyone would live in such a huge mansion" He said as he came over and sat next to his soulmate.

"It's incredible" Corey breathed as he flopped back and onto the covers.

Panuleon turned and quickly grabbed him.

Corey squirmed and laughed as he pulled him up the bed. he then laid gently on top of him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"Who knew we'd end up here at the start of this week?"

Corey gazed sweetly into his angel's hazel eyes as he wrapped his arms around the back of his head.

"I know, things change so quickly."

"They do," Panuleon said softly, but they both knew it was definitely for the better.

He then lowered his head until his lips connected with his soulmates.

Corey loved the feel of his warm body, protecting his as he kissed him back.

They both felt the affection, comfort, and the calm atmosphere to be very inviting and they couldn't wait to begin their new lives here.

Panuleon traced his fingers down the side of Corey's face as he stole another kiss.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Panuleon lifted his head and turned, but when nobody came in, he climbed off the bed and pulled Corey up too. The door was too far away from the bed for them not to go together.

When they opened the door, Duke was standing on the other side.

He gave them both a friendly smile.

"Hello boys, is it okay if I talk to you for a moment?" He asked.

"Of course," Panuleon said as Duke then turned and walked down the corridor.

They took that as a signal to follow him.

Duke lead them to his study, which was only down the hall.

"Come in and take a seat," He said as he shut the door behind him.

Yes, Panuleon was naturally wary of this situation. They don't know this man, therefore, they don't know his intentions.

Duke sat at his desk and linked his fingers together.

"So, moving into someone else's home must be rather daunting for you both and you may be wondering about the financial side of things," He said and waited for them to nod, which they did. "But I don't want you to worry. You're staying here for free and I will have it no other way."

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