Chapter 48

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Vinny and Oliver shared a glance that they would never forget.

The baby was starting to make it's entrance into the world.

"Well, what do we do?" Oliver asked, suddenly feeling nervous for the bumpy road ahead.

"Just relax," Aliyah said. "I don't know if this birth will be like females and I certainly don't know what's going to happen with your body. Will it change to give an exit for your child? Who knows? We'll just have to wait and see."

Her voice was calm and it did help to chill him out, but Vinny was starting to get nervous too.

"Vinny, it's okay" Oliver chuckled, watching him trying to keep his cool.

"I know," Vinny said. "Its just, I've been preparing myself for this and now that it's here, I don't know how to react."

"Well, I would appreciate it if you stayed calm for me. If you're calm, I'm calm."

Vinny nodded and took Oliver's hands, squeezing them tight.

"Let's sit here for a little longer," Oliver said.

Vinny pulled his deck chair close and sat down next to him.

Corey and Panuleon came and also sat down, wanting to talk about how it feels with Oliver.

It was only early stages yet and it could take hours and hours for anything to really happen.

But this wasn't a normal birth so, of course, it wouldn't stick by the rules.

* * * * *

One hour later.

Oliver gasped and held his bump.

The contractions were coming quicker than what even Aliyah thought they would.

He winced with a little bit of pain.

"It's not fun anymore" Oliver breathed while scrunching his eyes shut.

Vinny squeezed his shoulder and rubbed his back.

John, Madison, and Duke were still unaware of what was happening but it was probably time to move into the first aid room.

Just to be on the safe side.

"I'll go in and tell them what's going on," Aliyah said as Vinny helped Oliver onto his feet.

"I'm so excited," Corey said. He honestly couldn't wait to meet their baby.

"The thought of not being pregnant anymore makes me excited," Oliver said as he slowly headed towards the back doors.

Suddenly, they heard a very loud squeal.

Vinny groaned and cursed under his breath, knowing she was going to drive him crazy.

Madison came running to the door with a huge grin.

"Oh my gosh!" She squealed but Duke held her hand.

"I don't think Oliver's going to appreciate this level of excitement right now" He chuckled.

"Yes I'm sorry, you're right," She said, seeing how Oliver was not grinning at her. "Come inside."

Slowly, they made their way to the first aid room.

The staff was bravely asking Duke if anything was happening and he stayed behind to inform them that Oliver had started his contractions.

A very excited buzz was now echoing through the mansion as the staff was told to inform the news reporters outside about his progress.

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