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Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

He roamed the streets, reclused and invisible to the average human eye

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He roamed the streets, reclused and invisible to the average human eye.
Jisung sported a dark look as usual, the black mask across his mouth making him more intimating.

He hummed lazily as he walked past a few scattered angels, taunting them with the flash of his red eyes- laughing demonically when they flinched.


The boy turned around at the sound of his name, almost agonisingly slow and he took a look at the Angel standing a few metres away.

The Angel was surprised upon seeing the tall demon who remained indifferent, juxtaposing the celestial creature.

"Chenle." He articulated, eyes boring into the boy. They both stood there for a moment, no words exchanged before Chenle sighed.

"You've changed." Chenle said sadly, his white wings glimmering in the sun and Jisung sported a lack of emotion.

"Okay." He said, turning around, back facing his ex best friend.
"So you're just going to leave?" Chenle asked calmly, unable to get angry due to his nature. Instead his tone was more sad and disappointed.

He could never feel anger towards Jisung or anyone for that matter, waves of sadness began to wash over him at the nostalgia of their past.

Jisung sighed heavily and spun around.
"What do you want Chenle?"
"I...I just thought we could..."
"Could what? Make up and play in a field of daisies?" Jisung snarled humourlessly.

"No Chenle, just grow up- I'm a Demon and you're a fucking Angel!" Jisung spat out and the Angel flinched, not liking the harsh tone.
Jisung scoffed emptily. "See what I mean?"

"Do you not miss our friendship?" Chenle sniffled and Jisung clenched his fists.
"Stop crying."

"Just fucking grow up."

His harsh bitter tone was followed by a scoff as Jisung began to walk over to Renjun and Donghyuck who seemed to be laughing at the way the Human began to freak out over not being able to see who exactly kept pulling her hair.

Chenle sighed, turning on his heels to join his own friends.

"You know Jaemin, it isn't healthy to drink that much coffee." Chaerin commented, looking up at the Angel who downed the 5th cup today.

Jaemin shrugged and took another sip from it as the three of them walked the streets.
"It's basically battery acid." Jeno laughed, cresent moons adorning his eyes as he did so.

Chaerin had both her arms linked with the boys as the cold air hit her cheeks- breathing in the freshness of the winter air.

"Chenle, don't you think Jaem should cut back on the coffee?" Chaerin directed at the boy who seemed more distant than usual.
"Hm? Yeah, I do." He replied.

Jaemin eyes his friend but didn't seem to push on it, making a mental note to ask him what had happened later.
"So Chaerin, want to enlighten us on why you look so tired?" He quirked up a brow, knowing she couldn't get herself out of this one.

Jeno hummed in agreement, looking at the girl who's face screamed out exhaustion and bags prominent against her skin.

She was unenthusiastic, putting up a front to hide her sleepless nights and constant anxiety.

Chaerin frowned, opening her mouth to speak when a dark aura and footsteps cut through the atmosphere.

"Yeah whatever, see you later." His deep voice cut through the air, bidding his boisterous friends goodbye lazily.

Her eyes lifted up, the boy striding in their direction on courtesy of his long legs. Gaze straight forward as he walked, mask below his chin as the three of them slowed down.

Jisung's eyes flickered over to them, more to the girl in the middle who couldn't move her eyes away.

The Demon's eyes flashed red, a devilish smirk pulling on his lips, his fangs peeking out as he oozed confidence.

Jisung sent a wink her way before looking at the two angels besides her, he pulled his mask up and continued to walk.

And Chaerin's eyes followed his every move, unable to look elsewhere as a chilling shiver crawled up her spine.

"He's back on Earth?" Jaemin commented and Jeno hummed before sighing and glancing at Chenle.

"I don't know why though. Maybe he got bored and decided to act up again. Demons." Jeno shook his head disapprovingly.

However he was only on Earth for one thing- the hatred that fuelled the urge to kill the half blood- the girl who Jisung had heard his whole life was an abomination to the demon race.

However he was only on Earth for one thing- the hatred that fuelled the urge to kill the half blood- the girl who Jisung had heard his whole life was an abomination to the demon race

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Well Jisung you didn't have to be so rude to CHONLEE

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