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Chaerin's eyes focused on the way the 6 Angels smiled widely with each other, gentle voices and good etiquette with everything they did

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Chaerin's eyes focused on the way the 6 Angels smiled widely with each other, gentle voices and good etiquette with everything they did.

She wanted that, she wanted to be like them.

"Isn't he meant to be your guardian angel?" Donghyuck pondered and Chaerin nodded without taking her eyes off Jeno.
"And my best friend..." She trailed off, biting her bottom lip anxiously.

"Kind of a shit best friend if you ask me, letting you hang around with Demons." Renjun commented as he watched Jieun running over to friend in excitement.

"Is she a..."
"No she's not a demon, she chose to be Human."
"Oh, so how do you like... restrain yourself from biting her or whatever?" Chaerin asked and Renjun laughed.
"Power of Love, child." He said, patting her shoulder before turning towards Donghyuck and Seyeon.

"They're right you know," Jisung began, crouched on the floor as he tied his laces. "As much as I hate Angels, he is really doing a bad job at being your Guardian."

Chaerin sighed, eyes flickering over to the Angels who hadn't even noticed she wasn't around.
"I don't know what's happened, it's like we were so close and all of a sudden-"
"You feel left out? Trust me hanging with those Angels does that to you."

Chaerin spun around at the statement and her eyebrows were knitted in confusion
"You used to hang around with them?"
Jisung laughed wryly and shrugged.

"We all did," he motioned to Donghyuck and Renjun. "When we were younger with no concept of the divide between Angels and Demons." He said, bitterly looking at Chenle.

"Do you miss them?" She asked softly and his eyes tore away from his ex best friend to the girl. She had soft eyes glimmering up at him and he had to avert his gaze.


Despite his bitter tone, Chaerin could see he was lying but she didn't press on it.

"And one point to the White team!" The teacher called out, refering to the Angels wearing the white bibs.

Chaerin and the demons wore Red ones- it was pretty ironic seeing as they were divided into angels and demons- well aside from Jieun and Chaerin.

The two girls hadn't stopped laughing the whole time, finding everything funny as they were around each other. Practically in stitches, bent over laughing till they cried.

"Stop it." Seyeon muttered to Donghyuck who kept making jokes and at the sight of her hard stern glare- his smile fell as a crestfallen look took up his face.

Chaerin glanced at them, the tension between them noticeable and she pondered on what could have possibly happened.

Before she could even do anything, she was harshly pushed to the side and in disbelief, she glanced behind her to see Jieun giggling.

"Wow, it's on." Chaerin challenged, beginning to run towards her to return the favour in pushing her but Jieun began to run away- both of them laughing hysterically.

Unable to breathe from laughing, Chaerin stopped and put her hand on her stomach.
"It hurts." She gasped, tears forming at her eyes as Jieun crashed into Jisung who awkwardly stepped away.

"Girls! Get it together oh my God- Humans i swear." Donghyuck muttered, groaning at the two.

"Shut up hyuck, let my girl live," Renjun said, looking at Jieun who was happily laughing. "She deserves to have other friends that's not us."

"Yeah, you're right." Jisung said, equally looking at the two, but more specifically at one of them.

"Um, Jisung...what is this I see?" Seyeon teased, causing his stare to harden and his body to tense.

"What? Nothing, don't give me that look."

Soon they got into the swing of things, the game heating up and within the flurry of the competition- a ball went flying towards the other side and crashing into Chaerin- of course.

Just her luck when it went smashing into her face- the sickening sound of the ball hitting her on impact making everyone stop in shock.

The gasp and cry of pain escaped from her lips as she crouched on the floor with teary eyes.

"Oh no," Jeno hissed out and her disregarded the game and began rushing over to the girl.

"Let me see."


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