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Jisung stood up to his full height, the Woman dropping to the floor like a rag doll- blood seeping out of the bite mark on her neck

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Jisung stood up to his full height, the Woman dropping to the floor like a rag doll- blood seeping out of the bite mark on her neck.

"Are you a vampire?" She blurted out in shock, not even being able to process what was seeing to filter her mouth.

Jisung let out a deep chuckle, stepping over the lifeless figure and began to walk in Chaerin's direction.

Her eyes widened a fraction and the girl gulped down the roughness in her throat, knowing she had to get out of the situation, beggining to walk backwards in the darkness of the night.

I'm going to die
I'm going to die
I'm going to die

Chaerin watched as he took larger strides, blood drooling down his face and eyes deathly dark red.

It's ok
It's ok-

She turned around as quickly as she could, attempting to leave but Jisung teleported in front of her.

Nevermind it's not ok

The girl gasped, breath hitching when she crashed into him, tripping over her own feet and pushing him down unintentionally.
Her knee came in contact with his own, tipping him off balance.

But of course with that, came her falling on him and in a blink of an eye, Chaerin's face was hovering over the blood stained demon's.

All air knocked out of her lungs when her eyes fell to his, entranced by the deepness the pool of crimson was- curious but fearful.

Or was she?

Jisung was equally looking up at her, half winded by the sudden tackle but his wings layed under him on the ground, almost enclosing them both.

"Is this your girlfriend?"

The sudden sound of a smug and playful voice broke their moment and Jisung lifted his head too quickly, bashing it against Chaerin's.

The girl gasped in pain, groaning and Jisung pushed her off of him- her crashing to the ground in more pain.

"That must have hurt." Another voice commented and Jisung dusted himself off, turning to look at the two demon's stood by the railing.

Chaerin cupped her nose as the pain stretched through her face, surging through her head.

"What are you doing here?" Jisung hissed out at the elder two and Renjun shrugged.
"Earth seemed interesting."
Donghyuck nodded and winked.
"We saw some interesting sights indeed."

Chaerin sat on the ground, head in her hands and brown wavy hair falling over her like curtains.

"Do Humans usually sit in the road at 4am?" Donghyuck commented, tilted head.
Renjun lazily shrugged.
"I'd want to kill myself if I was a human."

Jisung scoffed and wiped the back of his hand on his mouth, returning his eyes back to normal.

Chaerin pulled her sleeve up, wincing at the sight of blood grazing down her arm and both Renjun and Donghyuck perked up, demeanor changing.


At the sound of it, even Chaerin looked up and almost screamed at the two demon's who looked over her, shocked at how quickly they had reached her.

Fangs barred they both halted, eyes trained on the girl in hunger.
Chaerin's eyes fell to her bleeding arm and back at the demons fearfully.

"Not her." Jisung said, beginning to walk away with a sign they were to follow.
"Why?" Renjun husked out, fingers itching to cause harm.

"She's the one I was telling you about."

Both Donghyuck and Renjun glanced at each other then down to the glossy eyed girl.

The two betrudgingly teleported over to Jisung and began walking in front of him in anger.
Jisung stopped walking, thoughts conflicting each other as he spoke out.

"Just go home." He called out to the girl.

Chaerin's eyes followed them and Jisung looked back, making eye contact only for him to disappear in a pit of black smoke.

Chaerin's eyes followed them and Jisung looked back, making eye contact only for him to disappear in a pit of black smoke

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Exhale ⤫ Park JisungWhere stories live. Discover now